Part of: Transitions 3. Central Europe

Transitions Central Europe: Audition for a demonstration

Lola Arias



Free admission


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



Entrance is free and on a first come, first served basis.


In Greek, no translation into English.


“If you could turn the clock back, which historical events would you like to be at and what role would you play there?” A performance which reworks political events from the past live on stage...

ARGENTINA (artist from the 2nd Transitions Festival)

What do we remember about historic political events that determined a country’s future? About borders eradicated, dictators overthrown, popular uprisings? What is left behind in the memories of those who took part and what is it that shapes a society’s collective memory? What can be used to reconstruct such events today: a slogan, a photograph, a song, an eye-witness account?

The Argentinian director and playwright Lola Arias invites the public to a production in the form of an audition. The protagonists -the audience- will be confronted with a question: “If you could turn the clock back, which historical events would you like to be at and what role would you play there? Would you be a protester, an observer, or a law enforcer?”

The audience is invited to re-construct a demonstration. The procedure encourages those that accept the call to confront memories, historical facts and collective narratives. Their goal: to reconstruct what actually happened at the event and how it can be re-enacted today.

A performance-audition about collective memory, political participation and the relationship between fiction and history. The work is nomadic in form and is recreated each time especially for the city which is hosting it. Every city has its own history and there is always a demonstration that remains unforgettable for its inhabitants.

Director’s note
"Audition for a Demonstration", Athens

"I came to Athens for the first time in 2014 to present "Mi vida después" ("My Life After"), an Argentinean performance about the effects of dictatorship in my generation. And during these presentations I also developed a workshop with Greek artists on crisis, politics and mass resistance. Audition for a demonstration, Athens is a continuation of this collaboration with local artists.

We will reconstruct with the audience the events that took place on 17 November 1973. We chose this demonstration because it is a symbol of mass rebellion. A moment in History where people could overcome fear and confront the dictatorship. During months, a team of artists and researchers under the guidance of Prodromos Tsinikoris and Leonidas Kallivretakis, were interviewing people who were part of the rebellion in ‘73 who are today artists, business mans, politicians, journalists about their memories on the events and their relationship with politics today. Some of them will be live in the performance and also will became characters performed by other people to explore how Greek people relate to their own History.

Every 17 November, citizens are re-enacting this demonstration and every year this event has a different meaning. After a year of massive demonstrations, plebiscite, bank crash, the resignation of the president, new elections, new bailout, the explosion of the refugee crisis, we want to know how people in Greece feel about their power today. Are we facing a new dictatorship? Are we free to decide? Which is our role in society?

This performance is an open call for people to perform, talk, and think about today and yesterday. Students from today, students from ‘73, people who were there supporting the cause, people who stayed at home come together to reconstruct the past and look into the future."
—Lola Arias


Concept and Dramaturgy
Lola Arias
Artistic collaboration
Aljoscha Bregrich
Research and Dramaturgie for the Greek version
Prodromos Tsinikoris
Research Assistant
Ioanna Valsamidou
Mikko Gaestel
Video Assistant
Oliwia Twardowska
Director’s Assistant
Liana Taousiani
Assistants to the costume designer
Alexandra Delitheou, Vassiliki Sourri
Historical consultant
Dr Leonidas Kallivretakis (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
Dimitra Dermitzaki, Eleni Euthymiou, Vicky Nikolaidou, Vassilis Skarmoutsos, Elena Stauropoulou
Simultaneous translation
Nikos Pratsinis
The archive material is provided courtesy of the
Greek National Television (ERT)

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