Latin America: LOOP3
José Vidal
Time & Date
10 €
Concs 5 € | Unemployed 5 €
Nine dancers in two square metres! An elegy on coexistence which brings the distinguished Chilean choreographer José Vidal to Athens for the first time.
The talented José Vidal, one of the Latin American choreographers whose work has earned them accolades in Europe, makes his Greek premiere with a singular performance of great visual beauty and power.
Nine bodies moving in a square with sides just two metres long; a choreographic phrase which lasts two minutes or so repeated in loops which start on a different point in the square each time and gradually rotate the group through 360 degrees. Which means the audience can see every aspect of the choreography, a nine-body flesh and blood construction inspired by Baroque paintings and contemporary photographs: battle scenes, athletes competing in team sports, scenes of worship and hatred flash by before us, calling to mind famous scenes from paintings like Géricault's “Raft of the Medusa” as well as filmic images and shap-shots from the television news.
The images give way one to the other like a living organism forever changing as it evolves. Vidal experiments with speed, slowing down and speeding up the action as the human mass grows more or less dense, sweats, and produces sounds which form part of the performance’s musical accompaniment.
Latin America: LOOP3
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José Vidal
Gonzalo Beltrán, Jesús Briceño, Sebastián De La Cuesta, Loreto Leonvendagar, Ana José Manríquez, Gonzalo Morales, Javiera Peón-Veiga, Paula Sacur, Francisca Sazie
Assistant choreographer
Loreto Leonvendagar
Lighting design
Claudio Rojas
Original music
Álex Anwandter, Cristián Bidart
Mauro Nuñez
Catalina Avaria
Saturday 22 November
After performance talk with José Vidal
Chaired by Giorgos Mitropoulos, journalist
Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 November
Workshop with José Vidal
Aimed at:
Dancers, choreographers, dance and theatre schools students who have special interest in movement and dance
To attend the workshop, contact us on T. 213 017 8002 or at Your name and profession are required.
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