Balkans: Public Debate "Art meets Theory in Collective Action"
Walking Theory
Time & Date
Entrance is free and on a strictly first come, first served basis.
The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before each event.
Simultaneous translation is provided in the case of speakers using a language other than Greek.
A public debate that will address the current alliances between art, theory and activism in the Balkans.
Belgrade, Serbia
In the last two decades, the Balkan region has undergone significant political transformations marked by wars and conflict, post-socialist transition and accession to the EU and related international treaties or organizations. During this period, the same region has developed intellectually vibrant, leftist independent cultural, art and activist scenes. The public debate will address the current alliances between art, theory and activism in the Balkans.
A few prominent actors from the scenes will investigate strategies and tactics of collective action, as the possibilities to act and intervene in social reality from the position, and with the tools of, art and culture.
The opening event of the debate day is screening of the documentary film by Marta Popivoda "Cultural Worker 3 in 1" (2013), followed by discussion.
Within the debate segment, participants are invited to give short (10min) inputs, based on their experiences –positive examples, failures, possible alternatives etc.– of alliances and joint actions of critical theory, contemporary performing arts and leftist activism in the local contexts. The inputs are not necessarily only verbally expressed, but can involve video and sound materials as well.
The sessions are organized in the way to bring together inputs coming from different basic backgrounds of participants, so that in each of them we can hear voices coming from art, theory and activism.
The responses between the sessions are meant to examine how the proposed notions resonate through other contexts of the Balkan region, with what kind of histories, practices, possibilities, and dangers they are associated.
At the end of the event, we plan to have an open discussion, with all participants as well as audience.
16:00-17:30: Screening of the documentary film by Marta Popivoda "Cultural Worker 3 in 1" (2013) and discussion
18:00-20:00: Presentations of the participants and responses
20:00-21:00: Οpen discussion
"CULTURAL WORKER 3 IN 1" A film by Marta Popivoda
Serbia / Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
53 min / 2013
"Cultural Worker 3 in 1" is a documentary film about the role of the left-oriented independent cultural-artistic scene and cultural workers in the region of exYugoslavia. Following the life and work of several characters in four cities of former Yugoslavia the film explores two issues – what it means to be a cultural worker in post-socialist contexts of Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb and Ljubljana, and what the possibilities for action and intervention in social reality are, from the position of art and culture. In this way, the film reflects on actual tendencies and problematics at the critical independent cultural scenes, as well as on relations between art, theory and activism, which are strongly present in the region.
Belgrade: Jelena Vesić, Kontekst Kolektiv, Ana Vujanović, Miško Šuvaković, Milena Dragićević Šešić
Skopje: Biljana Tanurovska Kjulakovski, Iskra Geshoska, Slavčo Dimitrov
Ljubljana: Lidija Radojević, Rok Vevar, Aldo Milohnić, Marina Gržinić
Zagreb: Emina Višnić, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Teodor Celakoski
Director: Marta Popivoda, Cinematographer: Maja Radošević, Editor: Nataša Damnjanović, Original Music: Draško Adžić, Sound Designer: Jakov Munižaba, Producer: Dragana Jovović
This film was made during a two-week research journey by Marta Popivoda through four cities of former Yugoslavia, as part of the project Deschooling Classroom (o^o) conceived by Iskra Geshoska, Marta Popivoda, and Ana Vujanović. It was produced by TkH (Walking Theory) from Belgrade and Kontrapunkt from Skopje.
Bojana Cvejić, Marta Popivoda and Ana Vujanović (TkH [Walking Theory], Belgrade)
Teodor Celakoski (Croatia), Bojana Cvejić (Serbia / Belgium), Florin Flueras (Romania), Gal Kirn (Slovenia), Matija Medenica (Serbia), Marta Popivoda (Serbia / Germany), Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski (FYRM), Ana Vujanović (Serbia / Germany), Gigi Argyropoulou (Greece/Great Britain), Janez Janša (Slovenia)
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