Part of: Shadow Libraries: UbuWeb in Athens

Workshop: RULES! A fun time with Dina Kelberman

Shadow Libraries: UbuWeb in Athens



Free Admission


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Exhibition Hall -1


Addressed to

People with proficiency at Photoshop

Participation cost

Free Admission (if you are interested in participating, scroll down to read more)


The workshop will be held in English.


A workshop which focuses on intuition and whim, and create work within a game-like structure.

Dina's Kelberman work often utilizes procedural accumulation of found digital images and video to create artworks that are more than a sum of their parts. Such projects include “I’m Google”, an ongoing tumblr project which has been shown internationally and featured in “The New York Times Magazine”, and the browser-based “Smoke & Fire”, which was commissioned by the New Museum.

In this workshop Kelberman will discuss her artistic process of Intuition > Rules > Execution, and lead participants in the creation and execution of their own procedural experiments. These experiments will invite participants to avoid overthinking, focus on intuition and whim, and create work within a game-like structure.

Dina Kelberman is an artist living and working in Baltimore, MD. Kelberman has been invited to create original web-based pieces for the New Museum and The Marina Abramovic Institute and has shown internationally including at Le Mois de la Photo in Montreal, Canada, the Internationale Design Saint-Etinne and Recontres de la Photographie in France, and The Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival and Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale in China. Her work has been written about in “The New York Times”, “Art21” and NPR, and most recently in the books “Known and Strange Things” (Cole, 2016) and “Wasting Time on the Internet” (Goldsmith, 2016).

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Pre-requisites: Candidates would need to bring their own laptop. Moderate proficiency with Photoshop is needed, which has to be installed in all participants’ laptops.

In order to participate, candidates are asked to send a statement of purpose about 100-words long in order to enter the selection process to the following e-mail address:

Applications will be accepted until all seats are filled. Selected candidates will be notified about their participation by 12 March 2018.