Jill Miller (in collaboration with Asma Kazmi)

Onassis AiR & Onassis ONX | Data Dreams & Ethical Realities

Onassis AiR Events



Onassis AiR

Time & Date

Onassis AiR (entrance from Galaxia 2, Neos Kosmos)



Entrance to the event is free with prior registration. The language of the event is English.

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and discussion with the audience. The event will be photographed.

Duration: 2 hours


A panel discussion on artificial intelligence and art hosted by Onassis AiR and Onassis ONX with Jill Miller (Artist and Professor, University of California, Berkeley) Sarah Rodrigues (Curator) Kostis Saitas Zarkias (AI Engineer) and Zoe Hatziyannaki (Visual Artist, PhD).

Jill Miller (in collaboration with Asma Kazmi)

Carbonivore, 2023, video installation

Information on the event
The recent explosive popularity of Artificial Intelligence tools relies heavily upon the incredible amount of data collected that is required to train these systems. AI technology does not inherently create or pose an ethical or value system but ‘learns’ through the data bases, which we, humans, provide to the algorithm: But who collects this data and how? Is this data reviewed and audited by humans or at least machines? How truthfully does it represent our world? Who measures the accuracy of this representation and how?

Panelists will discuss a variety of research cases, artworks, creative practices that explore the complications and ethical implications that surround the use of AI across artistic domains.

Jill Miller will present her recent experiments and artworks that use AI tools to manifest activist gestures and ecological concepts.

Sarah Rodrigues will open a discussion about the impact of AI art on the traditional notions of authorship and the possible implications of this technology for art professionals and audiences.

Kostis Saitas Zarkias, with a background in AI research and engineering, will give a gentle technical introduction and overview of some of the practices used to train these AI models and try to dig and uncover some of the inherent issues of building such gigantic models.

Zoe Hatziyannaki ’s presentation discusses the increasing use of geodata apps. Reflecting on the, not so unimaginable, scenario of the end of the world coming from our own extensive visual representations of it.

*This event is part of a new initiative of Onassis AiR as part of which previous and current fellows are invited to contribute to the programming by recommending and coordinating events, talks, screenings, visits, workshops and more. For this second event of the series, the Onassis AiR fellow Zoe Hatziyannaki proposed a panel discussion on the impact of artificial intelligence on authorship, ecology and artistic experimentation.