Zoe Hatziyannaki

Photo: Evelyn Mitropoulou

Zoe Hatziyannaki

Zoe Hatziyannaki is a visual artist based in Athens, working across photography, digital media and site-specific installations. She holds a PhD from Goldsmiths College, University of London supported by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation. Her work has been exhibited in Greece and abroad: State of Concept Athens (2021), Slought Philadelphia US (2019), Unseen Festival, Amsterdam (2018), Antikenmuseum Basel (2017), Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (2016), The Showroom Gallery, London (2015), Benaki Museum Athens (2014), Noorderlicht Festival, Gronningen (2013), Ileana Tounta Centre of Contemporary Art, Athens (solo 2012, 2008). She has received a Jerwood Photography Award and a NEON solo exhibition grant for her work, as well as funding for research from the Greek Ministry of Culture. She has been a IdeasCity Athens fellow, a member of Depression Era collective and a co-founder of A-DASH project space in Athens. Since 2017, she has been teaching in the Visual Arts department of Deree, American College of Greece.