Photo: Janto Djass

Focus on Wael Shawky | The Song of Roland: The Arabic Version



5 — 25 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



Early bird from 31 OCT 2017 until 27 NOV 2017: 14, 18 €

Full price: 7, 8, 12, 20, 25 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 7, 10, 16, 20 €
Groups 10+ people: 6, 9, 14, 18 €
Νeighbourhood residents: 7 €
People with disabilities & Unemployed: 5 € | Companions: 10 €

Group ticket reservations at


With English and Greek subtitles


60 minutes


Colours, music, and song: a big, political fairy tale of the East and the West through the eyes of one of the most important visual artists of Egypt.

Photo: Janto Djass

Arab musicians and singers narrate in their own language “The Song of Roland” (“La Chanson de Roland”) – a French, medieval epic poem of the eleventh century – with a wonderful set as a background. Consisting of hundreds of small pieces, the set looks like an enlarged miniature of the maps of Aleppo, Baghdad, and Istanbul. Drawing on the poem’s topic (that is, the battle between Christians and Saracens), which he recomposes, Wael Shawky comments on and subverts the stereotypical gaze of the West on the East. A large group of traditional musicians from Arab countries, along with four exceptional singers, sing this epic tale in the style of “fidjeri”, the music of the pearl fishers who are slowly disappearing. Costumes, instruments, and the musical language of the production transport us to the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf long before the discovery of oil, where people once lived on the commerce of pearls and sang in this way.

The attempt to rephrase the narrative of the West for the Arab world is at the crux of the work by this very accomplished, active, and internationally acclaimed Alexandrian artist. Through Shawky’s subversive and politically unorthodox position, the production attains historical depth with regard to Islamophobia and the extremism of both sides. Thus, he manages to create a deeply political work in the form of an attractive fairy tale. By fusing myth, history, and literature, borrowing from different cultures and techniques, and by leading our gaze and ears back in time, Wael Shawky composes an epic production about the many faces of truth that are barely visible, hidden behind the narratives of both West and East.


The focus on Wael Shawky is curated by
Katia Arfara
The Song of Roland
The Arabic Version
Wael Shawky
Artistic Assistance
Giorgio Benotto
Assistant Director
Hashem Alalawi
Kay Engert
Juma Yousif Jumaja Almukaini Aljneibi, Abdulla Lashkarieid Mohammad, Fahed Omar Abdulla Heba Marzouq, Aman Khamis Juma Aashir Almarashda, Matar Jasim Malalla Binnabhan AlMarzooqi, Mohamed Ali Khamis Alashar Almarshada, Anwar Ali Jasim Ahmed, Khaled Ali Mohamed Aljaffal, Yusuf Khamis Sbait Mubarak Alfarsi, Ali Husain Ahmed Husain Altamimi, Shawqi Abdulla Sabt Saud, Saad Ahmed Mohamed Aljaffal, Khaled Saad Salem Rashed, Ahmed Saleh Mohamed Alshabaan, Ahmed Abdulla Juma Farhan, Idrees Rabeea Idreses Bakheet, Ismaeel Mohamed Mesfer Saad, Faraj Mohamed Mesfer Saad, Yaqoob Ali Mohamed Bujaffal, Isa Ali Mohamed Aljaffal, Mohamed Anwar Ali Jasim Ahmed
Translation into Greek
Vassilis Douvitsas
Technical Management & Lighting
Sergio Pessanha
Artistic Production Management
Stefan Scheuermann, Henning Mues
Technical Production Management
Kampnagel Hamburg
A production of
Kampnagel (Hamburg)
A co-production with
Theater der Welt 2017 (Germany), Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens (Greece), Sharjah Art Foundation (United Arab Emirates), Theaterspektakel (Zurich)
Funded by
the Federal Agency for Civic Education
with the support of
Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities for rehearsals in Bahrain
Kindly supported by
Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (Bahrain), Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Germany)

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