An Interview with ALEX

Carrie Sijia Wang

An Interview with ALEX

An Interview with ALEX” (2020) is a 12-minute, guided, interactive experience that engages the participant in a job interview with ALEX, a powerful artificial intelligence HR employed by a speculative tech giant called “Open Mind Corporation.” Through a science-fiction lens, the experience reveals how AI, and the gamification of work can be used as subtle tools of control in the interest of those in power.

Credits: The project is supported by Mozilla’s 2019-2020 Creative Media Awards and was launched online in the summer of 2020.

Selected by MozFest as part of You & AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens program, alongside activations by the MozFest community that broaden and deepen people’s understanding of AI and its impact.

Title: An Interview with ALEX

Artist: Carrie Sijia Wang

Medium: Online Experience

Year: 2020