The Ethics of Disruption: From AI to Bioethics in Art and Research
AI Summer School
Time & Date
How to attend
The conference will take place in English, with no interpretation.
The online conference explores the constituent parts of an ethics framework for approaching, understanding and regulating disruptive technologies focusing on responsible research and innovation.
Developing a functional and operational framework for the ethics of disruptive technologies, is increasingly becoming a key challenge for numerous research projects. AI becomes gradually a horizontal key enabling technology and progressively more research projects need to contemplate and act upon the use and application of such tech-tools. This is apparent from purely digital applications and e-business solutions, to medical, bio and epidemics research. However, the use of AI poses both tremendous opportunities as well as challenges, not just in the way that AI research is designed and executed, but also in the ways that technology and knowledge should be best transferred in order to lead to ethically sound innovation.
In the same context, artistic works dealing with AI have the capacity to cut through the multiple layers of legal rules, codes of ethics and research practices to approach the problem holistically and at the most fundamental level. In that sense, it is necessary to approach and unpack such artistic practices as a corollary to the relevant science and innovation practices of AI-related research.
The Digital and Innovation Summer School 2021 explores the constituent parts of an ethics framework for approaching, understanding and regulating disruptive technologies focusing on responsible research and innovation. Spanning over a period of three days and using multiple formats (keynote presentations, round tables and e-lectures), it brings together world-class experts from the fields of Innovation, the arts, intellectual property, data protection and bioethics, who aim to explore ways to develop and operationalize a solid ethics framework for disruptive technologies. The school’s overall ambition is to combine different disciplines and approaches and explore a multi-source approach for problems that defy pre-determined categories and pre-conceptualization analyzing the ethical challenges which come along with disruptive technologies.
Ethics in Disruptive Technologies: Insights and Boundaries
Introductory Speeches | 12:00-12:20
- Olga Tzortzatou
- Prodromos Tsiavos
Round table discussion I | 12:20 – 13:00
Open Algorithms for Open Science
- Thomas Margoni (Open Data Ethics)
- Brigitte Vezina (The Ethics of Openness)
- Dora Kotsaka (The Politics of AI)
- Gloria Origgi (Open Science Ethics)
Round Table Discussion II | 13:00 – 13:40
Art and AI
- Rocio Berenguer
- Benoit Favre
- Tyler Reigeluth
Moderated by Léa Deshusses, Project manager at Atelier Arts Sciences / Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences.
Open Discussion | 13:40 – 14:00
Managing Data in an Ethical Way in Research Contexts
Lecture I | 12:00 – 13:00
Topic: "GDPR implementation across EU and secondary use of data for research purposes: legal and ethics challenges"
- Santa Slokenberga (Uppsala University)
- Olga Tzortzatou (BRFAA)
- Jane Reichel (Stockholm Law School)
Lecture II | 13:00 – 14:30
Topic: “The Research Ethics Appraisal Process in Horizon Europe”
- Dorian Karatzas (Head of Ethics Sector, European Commision)
Coffee break | 14:30-15:00
Lecture III | 15:30 – 17:00
Topic: “Ethical Issues in Intellectual Property: Promoting Research and Development Versus Affordability of Medicines”
Artificial Intelligence and AI: State of the Play
Lecture I | 12:00 – 13:30
Topic: “Responsible Research and Innovation: Towards Meeting the Social Contract of Science"
- Arleen Salles (CRB)
- Michele Farisco (Uppsala University)
Round Table Discussion | 13:30-14:30
“The SiENNA Code of Conduct”
- Mats Hansson & Amal Matar
- Moderated by Olga Tzortzatou
Lecture II | 14:30 – 16:00
- Topic: “A tool for litigation risk analysis for medical liability cases”
A. Vozikis, A. Panagiotou, S. Karakolias
Round Table Discussion | 16:00 – 17:00
“AI & Biobanking: between challenges and expectations”
- Irene Schlünder (TMF/BBMRI-ERIC)
- Melanie Goisauf (BBMRI-ERIC)
- Signe Mezinska (University of Latvia)
- Moderated by Michaela Th. Mayrhofer
Dr. Olga Tzortzatou (Attorney at Law and Member of the Bioethics Committee, BRFAA), Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos (Head of Digital and Innovation, Onassis Foundation)
Onassis Foundation, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Center of Research and Bioethics Uppsala University, EPLO-IPR-i, OpenAIRE, BBMRI-ERIC
Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences is a multidisciplinary theatre (dance, circus, music, theatre...) welcoming about 30 shows a year. In addition to its missions of artistic production, presentation, and development, it has also developed since 2002 a research activity. Hexagone has thus created in 2007 the Atelier Arts Sciences, a common research and creativity platform shared with CEA research centre. It provides a framework for prolific meetings between arts and sciences, allows the benchmarking of experiences and points of view, and encourages questioning and imagination to enrich respective working methods. Since 2007, the Atelier Arts Sciences team has coordinated more than fifty residencies between artists and scientists facilitating the invention of novel devices for stage performances, and conceiving texts, interactive exhibitions, and stage performances. The Atelier Arts Sciences has pioneered an art and science exhibition, EXPERIMENTA, which provides insight into on-going projects, in addition to further projects coming from European and International partners. Atelier Arts Sciences is working on the major changes that are transforming our society in the long term and tries to be at the heart of major issues that impact citizens
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