Hiba Ali
Ali, in their video, Abra, is in conversation with Amazon’s customer-obsessed mascot, Peccy. Their discussion about working-class labour, surveillance and bubbles (economic, social and soap filled), literally paints the video orange. They contend that orange is the contemporary color of labour and surveillance, it is racialized and classed.
Title: Abra
Medium: Video Installation
Artist: Hiba Ali
Year: 2018
Location: On display at Pedion tou Areos
You and AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens
Athens, Online
Artificial intelligence is already here
Digital programs, Visual arts, Exhibition
Exhibition "You and AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens"
Artificial intelligence is already here
Learning to See
You and AI: The AI Survival Guide
Webinar, Conference
The Ethics of Disruption: From AI to Bioethics in Art and Research
AI Summer School