FFF5 | Sacrifice
Iceland Dance Company
Time & Date
Free admission to "The Market" | Working hours: 18:30-21:00
Tickets for "The Show" at the Main Stage and "Dies Ιrae" at the Upper Stage
Onassis Stegi Friends & General Presale: from 19 APR 2018, 12:00
Full price: 10 €
Reduced, Onassis Stegi Friends, Small groups (5-9 people): 8 €
Neighborhood residents, Large groups (10+ people): 7 €
Unemployed, People with disabilities, Companions: 5 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@onassis.org
Provocative artists, many different means and techniques, one Market, one Performance, which is actually three, with the human condition at the core: life and death, nature, time, our need for ritual. Moreover, artists from Athens show their wares at the “Sacrifice Market”, along with pop-up performances from Iceland Dance Company.
Photo: Jónatan Grétarsson
"Sacrifice" is a celebration of dance, art and rock concert, where audiences move from one space to the next, experiencing a different ritual in each place. This relationship between art and religion was the first stepping stone for Erna Ómarsdóttir, Valdimar Jóhannsson and Matthew Barney some years ago when they first started toying with the idea of creating an alternative ritual for a wedding. After Erna and Valdimar told Ragnar Kjartansson and Gabríela Friðriksdóttir about the idea, both visual artists showed keen interest in conceiving individual ceremonies dealing with the coming of age and the flux of life and death.
A concept was born: "Sacrifice", a collection of works that stress the importance of inspiration, creativity and human contact. They range from performance to installation, from the immersive to the voyeuristic, from sound to silence and together they make up a journey through various definitions of theatrical presentation and choreography. But their shared point of focus is the human body, its movements and our ways of expression.
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Photo: Jónatan Grétarsson
No Tomorrow
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Photo: Jónatan Grétarsson
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Photo: Jónatan Grétarsson
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Still from the video © Erna Ómarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson
Union of the North
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Photo: Hrafnhildur Hólmgeirsdóttir
Dies Irae
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Photo: Hrafnhildur Hólmgeirsdóttir
Dies Irae
"Dias Irae"
Repetitive film screening from 18:00 and on | Upper Stage
"Dias Irae" by visual artist Gabriela Friðriksdóttir is part video-installation, part choreographed ritual that focuses on the transition from life to death. Made in collaboration with Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson, the video also serves as an inspiration for their choreography, "Shrine".
The show
18:30 | Main Stage
"Shrine" by Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson, a new creation where creative forces are put to the test in a ritual celebrating both life and death. | Duration: 45'
"No Tomorrow", a new creation by performance and visual artist Ragnar Kjartansson and choreographer Margrét Bjarnadóttir, focuses on the idea of youth with a group of dancers with acoustic guitars and music by The National's Bryce Dessner. | Duration: 30'
"Union of the North", created by renowned American visual artist Matthew Barney, choreographer Erna Ómarsdóttir and musician Valdimar Jóhannsson is a performative video installation, attempting to fuse together consumerism and the spiritual in an act of marriage.
The Market
18:30-21:00 | Exhibition Hall -1
Finally, the festivities reach an immersive peak at the already bustling "Market", where people present their beliefs, ideas and solutions for a sustainable future. "The Market" is the part of "Sacrifice" that holds all the other parts together. Artists, NGOs and other bodies from the city where the festival takes place “sell” their ideas by debating, testing and above all communicating. As in the markets of old, acquaintance with new ideas, political debate and exchange are core issues. What matters most is believing in something and wanting to share it. The Iceland Dance Company intervenes as a catalyst at unexpected moments.
"Network of migrant women residing in Greece"
Members of the network that reinforces and showcases the contribution of these women to social coherence share with us the activities made available by their network: drawing lessons, knitting and other traditional arts and crafts, open to all.
"A society for the care and reintegration of wild animals into their natural habitats"
What should you do if you find an injured animal or a new-born bird, something quite common in the spring? Learn all you need to know in a simulation accompanied by films presenting real incidents. A discussion follows and a first aid manual is given out.
"A fashion designer from Senegal"
The young African designer brings to the "Market" his multi-coloured, afro-urban pieces and along with his models he stages a real fashion show.
"An Ethiopian merchant"
A small pop-up shop, full of ornaments, jewellery, textiles, handicrafts and other treasures from the owner’s country.
"Cultural Centre of African Art and Cultures in Greece"
What does the body sound like? ANASA’s body percussion workshop shares its techniques, while a 30-minute concert of eight musicians and four dancers wraps up the day. The above is run by a non-profit organisation aiming to promote intercultural exchange and the inclusion/integration and empowerment of young Africans living in Greece.
A nomadic, collaborative project run by refugee and migrant chefs, whose motto is “in the kitchen we are all equal”. Tasting has never been more multicultural. The project handles the "Market" catering, offering a traditional Ethiopian menu, Asiatic snacks and drinks and beverages the world over.
“Then, sad, I went out on to the balcony, went out to change my thoughts” wrote Cavafy and twelve Greek poets of the younger generation come out on the interior “balconies” of the Onassis Stegi floors and recite their poetry. The audience is invited to respond – literally and figuratively – adding their own voices to this unpredictable soundscape.
Poetry Performance Participants: Katerina Chandrinou, Giorgos Kanavos, Billy MacKinnon, Sine Lege, Eleni Nanopoulou, Nana Papadaki, Elena Psarrea, Paola Revenioti, Dimitris Saltos, Stefanos Skialivas and Bibliotheque team: Georgia Oikonomopoulou, Roza Bassiakou, Marianna Katsou
Dance happenings, singing, vocal improvisations and stand-up comedy in the Onassis Stegi foyer, by Erna Omarsdóttir, the director of the Iceland Dance Company, and the singers Sophia Jernberg and Putrid Sapphire, sale of artworks by the visual artist Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson and ceramist Putrid Sapphire. Last but not least, representatives from Iceland Dance Company will be selling the "Sacrifice" programme, "Sacrifice" t-shirts, "Sacrifice" tote bags and "Sacrifice" hoodies. Here guests can inquire about the company and the performance.
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"Sacrifice" won three awards at the Icelandic Performing Arts Awards (Gríman) 2017 after receiving six nominations at the Icelandic Performing Arts Awards (Gríman) 2017 for Best Theatre Production, Best Choreography, Best Original Music Score, Dancer of the year, Lighting Design and Best Soundscape.
Winning the awards for Lighting Design (Björn Bergsteinn Guðmundsson for "Shrine"), Best Choreography (Margrét Bjarnadóttir and Ragnar Kjartansson for "No Tomorrow") and for the first time in the history of The Icelandic Performing Arts Awards a dance production won the award for Best Theatre Production of the year (Iceland Dance Company for "No Tomorrow").
Artistic Directors for "Sacrifice"
Erna Omarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson
The Market
Asgeir Helgi Magnusson, Bjarni Jonsson, Dora Johannsdottir, Erna Omarsdottir, Fridgeir Einarsson, Hannes Thor Egilsson, Sigtryggur Berg, Sofia Jernberg & Valdimar Johannson
Set Design
Signe Becker
Assistant set design
Kjersti Alm Eriksen
Concept and artistic direction
Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson
Erna Omarsdottir in collaboration with dancers
Original Music
Valdimar Johannson
Lighting design
Bjorn Bergsteinn Gudmundsson
Costume design
Julianna Lara Steingrimsdottir
Palmi Jonsson
Finnur Hakonarson
Technical Director
Valdimar Johannsson
Jonatan Gretarsson
Aðalheiður Halldórsdóttir, Anaïs Barthe, Elín Signý Weywadt Ragnarsdóttir, Einar Anton Aas Nikkerud, Erna Ómarsdóttir, Friðgeir Einarsson, Heba Eir Kjeld, Hjördís Lilja Örnólfsdóttir, Inga Maren Rúnarsdóttir, Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir, Sofia Jernberg, Sigtryggur Berg & Sigurður Andrean Sigurgeirsson
No Tomorrow
Margret Bjarnadottir & Ragnar Kjartansson
Original Music
Bryce Dessner
Lighting design
Bjorn Bergsteinn Gudmundsson
Costume design
Helga I. Stefansdottir
Palmi Jonsson
Finnur Hakonarson
Jonatan Gretarsson
Adalheidur Halldorsdottir, Anaïs Barthe, Elin Signy Weywadt Ragnarsdottir, Heba Eir Kjeld, Hjördís Lilja Örnólfsdóttir, Inga Maren Runarsdottir & Lovisa Osk Gunnarsdottir
Union of the North
Directed by
Erna Omarsdottir & Valdimar Johannson
Script by
Matthew Barney
Erna Omarsdottir, in collaboration with the performers
Original Music
Valdimar Johannsson – featuring Sofia Jernberg
Matthew Barney
Fridgeir Einarsson
Director of photography
Tomas Orn Tomasson
Assistant director
Anna Gunndís Guðmundsdóttir
Frosti Jon Runolfsson
Sound recording
Agnar Friðbertsson & Ari Rannveigarson
Anni Olafsdottir, Frosti Jon Runolfsson & Viktor Orri Andersen
Assistant cameraman
Victor Bogdanski
Set designers
Gudni Runar Gunnarsson & Ari Birgir Agustsson
Assistant set designer
Vilhjalmur Petursson
Giant donut design
Matthew Barney
Costume designers
Rebekka Jonsdottir & Hrafnhildur Holmgeirsdottir
Assistant costume designer
Kolbrun Sigurdardottir
Hair and make-up
Harpa Finnsdóttir
Assistant hair and make-up
Kamilla Kristin Audunsdottir
Production and co-ordination
Kata Ingva, Heba Eir Kjeld, Ragnheidur Skuladottir, Bjarni Jonsson & Hulda Helgadottir
Adalheidur Halldorsdottir, Anna Gudrun Tomasdottir, Asgeir Helgi Magnusson, Dora Johannsdottir, Elin Signy Weywadt Ragnarsdóttir, Erna Omarsdottir, Fridgeir Einarsson, Halla Thordardottir, Hannes Thor Egilsson, Hjordis Lilja Ornolfsdottir, Inga Maren Runarsdottir, Lovisa Osk Gunnarsdottir, Raven Laxdal, Sofia Jernberg, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Valdimar Johannsson & Thyri Huld Arnadottir
Iceland Dance Company
Artistic director
Erna Ómarsdóttir
Managing director
Ragnheiður Skúladóttir
Rehearsal director
Katrín Ingvadóttir
Marketing manager
Íris María Stefánsdóttir
"Sacrifice" is produced by
Iceland Dance Company in co-operation with the Reykjavík City Theatre and LÓKAL Performing Arts Reykjavík
Co-produced by
Spring Festival Utrecht; Kunstcentrum BUDA, Kortrijk, Tanzhaus Düsseldorf, Reykjavík Dance Festival (apap)
Supported by
Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Kulturkontakt Nord, Nordic Culture Fund, City of Reykjavík, Shalala
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