Photo: Ali Cherri
Part of: Fast Forward Festival 5

FFF5 | Lecture Performances | 2nd Day

Ali Cherri, Rayyane Tabet, Akram Zaatari, Marcella Lista



Free admission


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Upper Stage



Free entrance, on a first come first served basis.
The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before and during the symposium.


Misleading legends haunt recent history – whether we talk about Lebanon or Singapore. Armed with witty humour, the five FFF lecture performances have a lot to say about fabricated narratives: from archaeological excavations and spy stories in Sidon and Tell Halaf, the genealogy of swamps and the geopolitical construct “Southeast Asia”, to the image of the sweaty colonial in Hollywood movies. At the end, there will be an open discussion with the artists.

Photo: Ali Cherri

Back-waters of the Nile river in Northern Sudan

A series of lecture performances on archaeological excavations connected to spy stories in Sidon and Tell Halaf and an original ramble through the genealogy of swamps is to be delivered by three exceptional artists from Beirut. At the end, there will be a discussion between the artists and Marcella Lista, Art Historian and Chief Curator at the National Museum of Modern Art – Centre Pompidou for the New Media Collection.

Photo: Akram Zaatari

Uncanny Encounters, 2017


19:00 | "Dear Victoria" | In English | Duration: 30 minutes

Rayyane Tabet
"Dear Victoria" is a reading performance based on Tabet’s long-term research into Max Freiherr von Oppenheim’s excavations at Tell Halaf. Documents and photographs from Tabet’s family provided the first impetus to this research—his great-grandfather, Faek Borkhoche, was secretary and translator to Max von Oppenheim during his third expedition to northeastern Syria in 1929. The reading examines what happened to the objects excavated in Tell Halaf and through them weaves a tale of espionage, museological accessions and the fate of family heirlooms.

20:00 | "Water Blues" | In English | Duration: 30 minutes

"The stagnant and muddy water around which insects and bugs gather reflects a complex image, that of a dull, glaucous misery that engulfs and worries. The shapeless but non-amorphous mud devours and corrodes everything. Very few spaces embody the periphery of human exis­tence as well as swamps. Neither quite land nor water, swamps have long been con­sid­ered dreaded spaces, places with unknown dan­gers from which mists and scents escape. Their waters would be fundamen­tally con­tam­i­nated and dan­gerous spaces, enig­matic and ghostly landscapes that constitute a rich breeding ground not simply for practical resources, but also for the imagination. Through a journey into different narratives around muddy waters, stories of drowning but also of resurrections, "Water Blues" is a dive into the terrific 'dirty waters'."
—Ali Cherri

21:00 | ​Uncanny encounters | In English | Duration: 60 minutes

"A portrait is made when so many stories converge and produce an event of an extraordinary nature. An archeological excavation miraculously leads to finds. An ambitious artist makes his first steps away from painting into a conceptual and performance-based-work. An Imperial museum gets endowed with its most precious collection. A great necropolis is destroyed by the local population. A group of workers in a remote province meet a photographic camera for the first time in their lives.
We are in Saida, Lebanon, in 1887 and and nothing can prevent such an event form taking place."
—Akram Zaatari

22:00 | After lecture performances a discussion will follow among the artists and Marcella Lista, Art Historian and Chief Curator at the National Museum of Modern Art – Centre Pompidou for the New Media Collection.


Curated by
Katia Arfara

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