
Digital Programmes at Onassis Stegi



Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Will be announced soon
Will be announced soon

How do we make art in an era during which we create, flirt, communicate, and overall live in an environment of continuous and ubiquitous networking? What is the position of art in important social and financial issues? How can it help us deal with technology and science in a critical manner?

The Digital Programmes of Onassis Stegi explore such issues through three series of programmes that enable us to better grasp the creative process in a technologically advanced society.

“Critical Thinking”: Digital Nights will replace Digital Wednesdays that ran during the last two seasons. Selected speakers from Greece and abroad will talk to the public about the most important and cutting-edge subjects related to the arts, science, technology, and society.

“Critical Mechanics”: Participatory workshops for adults on various popular technologies. These range from virtual and augmented reality, physical computing and sensors, digital games, three-dimensional design and printing, to the use of analog technology that continues to survive like a zombie in an increasingly digital world.

“Critical Entrepreneurship”: Seminars for young artists enabling them to grasp basic professional skills, and to familiarize themselves with tools that put their work in the digital value chain. The themes range from understanding such issues as copyright and main business models of the art world, to writing applications for funding and participating in festivals, as well as the distribution and funding of their works through digital platforms.

Photo © beetroot

The programme will be announced soon.