Part of: Big Bang Festival 6

Love song

Play your own notes and participate in the composition of an audio encyclopedia of love



Free admission


Athens, Onassis Stegi


Addressed to

Children aged 6 and over


Free admission

Deadline for submitting "love songs"

From Wednesday 27 May 2020 until Friday 12 June 2020

Do you need further assistance?

We continue to foster the music dialogue we initiated with the Big Bang Festival, seeking to share beautiful musical experiences with our little friends, playfully transforming the home into a musical labyrinth of love.

Photo: Dries Segers

Big Bang 6, the European music festival for children, which was to take place in May (as every year), finds alternatives – because the musical bell never ceases to ring. We invite children aged 6 and over to participate in a creative and cheerful music activity, recording their own “Love Songs”, from home.

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We invite you to make your own “Love Song” at home and become part of the virtual installation “Love Song”, a concept developed by the Belgian composer Serge Verstock, produced by the ChampdAction ensemble.

Firstly, you need to download the instructions on how to make your own short love song in an easy and fun way.

Love songs can be about your favorite place, color, animal, food, activity, hero, person, or just be based on your favorite sound. If you play a musical instrument, you could use it to accompany your love song. You will probably have a lot of ideas, but try to keep your love song short – about 20 to 30 seconds is enough.

When you are ready, ask an adult to help you record and save your song as an audio file on his/her phone or other device, using, for example, the Recorder app for Android.

A musical heart of love will unite us through the website and the social networks of the Onassis Foundation, where you will be able to listen to the beats of your own “Love Song”, as well as discover the love songs of many other children from Greece and abroad. A global beat through short heartbeats of children from all over the world.

Thanks for participating! We look forward to hearing your love song!


  • Concept Love Song

    Serge Verstockt

  • Production
