Photo: Craig T. Mathew

Available Light

John Adams / Lucinda Childs / Frank Gehry



5 — 45 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



EARLY BIRD until 6 November:
30% discount for zones A and B

Full price: 15, 18, 25, 36, 45 €
Reduced & Small groups (5-9 people): 11, 14, 20, 29, 36 €
Large groups (10+ people): 9, 12, 18, 27, 34 €
People with disabilities: 5€ - Companions: 10 €
Unemployed: 5 €


55 minutes


Three living legends of American minimalism revive one of the most pivotal choreographies in the history of modern dance.

Photo: Craig T. Mathew

Three legends of the American avant-garde -the composer John Adams, the choreographer Lucinda Childs and the architect Frank Gehry- have come to the Onassis Stegi to restage a seminal work which set its seal on their first and only collaboration, back in 1983. Borne of an era much taken with experimental collaborations between star artists, “Available Light” reveals the individual artistry of its three creators but also the shared aesthetic that was common to their experimental approaches.

Lucinda Childs, whose Greek debut this is, is a living legend of modern dance. She was a student of that star of the international dance scene, Merce Cunningham, and a key member of the Judson avant-garde dance company which revolutionized modern dance in the early 60s. In 1976, her collaboration as a choreographer and performer with Robert Wilson and Philip Glass on the epic, five-hour opera "Einstein on the Beach" revealed that, as well as being a dancer of rare talent, she could choreograph ground-breaking solos and ensemble pieces for opera with equal ease. Wilson once said that Childs was “so many opposites… soft but hard, natural but unnatural”, while Childs has said that what drew her to Wilson was her “taste for the unusual”. In any case, everyone who got to watch their collaboration on stage spoke of a seminal post-modern performance.

John Adams, the award-winning post-minimalist composer, is equally at home with electronic music –the work he composed for this work, for instance, which is entitled “Light over Water”– and chamber works, soundtracks and contemporary operas.

The architectural star Frank Gehry, well-known for Bilbao’s emblematic Guggenheim Museum, returns here to his childhood love for industrial materials and simple, functional constructions. For the premiere of “Available Light” in 1983, Gehry created a split-level set out of industrial platforms and fencing which placed the audience in banked rows of seats above the stage. Childs danced in the original production; now aged 75, her role will be performed by two dancers.

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Read more

Lucinda Childs, one of America's most important modern choreographers, began her career as choreographer and performer in 1963 as an original member of the Judson Dance Theater in New York. After forming her own dance company in 1973, she collaborated with Robert Wilson and Philip Glass on the opera "Einstein on the Beach" (1976), receiving an Obie award, and has appeared since in five of Wilson's major productions.

Since 1979, Lucinda Childs has collaborated with a number of composers and designers, on a series of large-scale productions. The first of these was "Dance" (1979), with music by Philip Glass and a film/decor by Sol LeWitt, which still tours in the United States and Europe and was cited by the "Wall Street Journal" (2011), as "one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century."

Parallel events

After performance talk with Lucinda Childs

Sunday 6 December 2015
Moderated by Nina Alkalai, theorist of dance education

Dance masterclass with Lucinda Childs

6 December 2015

10:00-12:00 | 15 €
In this masterclass Lucinda Childs will teach an excerpt from "Dance" and will demonstrate how the work is constructed with the use of choreographic and musical scores.

Addressed to: Professional dancers and choreographers
Language: English
T: 213 017 8002 | Email:


John Adams
Lucinda Childs
Stage Design
Frank O. Gehry
Lighting Design
Beverley Emmons, John Torres
Costume Design
Kasia Walicka Maimone
Sound Design
Mark Grey
Performed by
The Lucinda Childs Dance Company
Ty Boomershine, Katie Dorn, Katherine Helen Fisher, Sarah Hillmon, Anne Lewis, Sharon Milanese, Patrick John O’ Neill, Matt Pardo, Lonnie Poupard Jr., Caitlin Scranton, Shakirah Stewart
Associate General Manager
Linsey Bostwick
Company Manager
Katie Ichtertz
Production Manager
Jeremy Lydic
Stage Manager
Jason Kaiser
Associate Producer
Kaleb Kilkenny, Alisa E. Regas
Produced by
Pomegranate Arts, Inc.
Executive Producer
Linda Brumbach
The 2015 revival of “Available Light” was commissioned by
Onassis Stegi (Athens); Cal Performances, University of California, Berkeley; Festspielhaus St. Pölten; FringeArts, Philadelphia
With the support of
The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage; Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at the Music Center and The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association; International Summer Festival Kampnagel, Hamburg; Tanz Im August, Berlin; Théâtre de la Ville - Paris and Festival d'Automne à Paris
“Available Light” was developed at
MASS MoCa (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art)

Available Light” Production

Front of House Sound/Sound Supervisor
Lilly West
For Gehry Partners: Design Team
Leif Halverson, Meaghan Lloyd, David Nam
Set Construction
Tom Carroll Scenery
Assistant Costume Designer
Mary Kokie McNaugher
Costume Construction
Colin Davis Jones Studios, Carelli Costumes
LCDC Rehearsal Director
Ty Boomershine
LCDC Company Class Instructors
Sharon Milanese, Matt Pardo
LCDC Alternates
Josh Christopher, Benny Olk
This piece was rehearsed at
the Mark Morris Dance Center
“Light Over” Water by John Adams is used by arrangement with
Hendon Music, Inc., a Boosey & Hawkes company, publisher and copyright owner

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