Αrtwork: beetroot

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, Volumes 1 & 2

Rimini Protokoll [Haug & Wetzel]



5 — 36 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



The EARLY BIRD tickets are sold out

The next presale phase starts on 14 ΜΑR 2016

Full price: 15, 18, 25, 36 €
Reduced & Small groups (5-9 people): 11, 14, 20, 29 €
Large groups (10+ people): 9, 12, 18, 27 €
Unemployed, People with disabilities: 5 €
Companions: 10 €


2 hours


Adolf Hitler through the eyes of Rimini Protokoll: A revelatory, radical piece of documentary theater tackling the Führer's infamous bestseller from Europe’s foremost avant-garde theatre company.

Only Rimini Protokoll, the award-winning documentarists of the European stage, the company that has previously put out-of-work Egyptian muezzins and contemporary Athenian Prometheuses on stage, would dare take on a book as infamous and controversial as “Mein Kampf” (1925–26).

The grimmest bestseller of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler’s two-volume authorial effort—that combination of autobiography and political manifesto which was destined to become the Bible of German National Socialism—is the explosive material Rimini Protokoll bring to the Onassis Stegi two years after “Situation Rooms”, their fascinating live videogame-installation on the arms trade.

But is “Mein Kampf” really such a dangerous read? Is it perilously effective propaganda or might it just be a mishmash of commonplaces and paranoid, second-hand ideologies? What can the symbolic ban on a physical reprint hope to achieve when it is breaking download records on the Internet as an e-book? What is its historical, political and literary value? What has kept the “Mein Kampf” myth alive for the last sixty years? And what does Hitler actually say in it?

These are the questions posed for public debate by this audacious production from the theatre company that has been redefining the documentary theatre genre for fifteen years now. And all this amidst the storm of reactions stirred up by plans to finally reissue “Mein Kampf” in Germany, following the removal of a ban in place since the end of World War Two.

True to the terms of a ‘theatre of reality’, Rimini Protokoll have enlisted a cast of subject specialists rather than professional actors: historians and experts in international law and human rights, a conservator of old manuscripts, a music producer who has been blind since birth, an Israeli lawyer and a Turkish hip-hop / metalcore artist and ethnologist.

Αrtwork: beetroot
Parallel Events

Thursday 21 April

After performance talk with Helgard Haug, Daniel Wetzel and the journalist Dimitris Psarras.
Moderated by Dr. Katia Arfara: Artistic Director of the Theatre and Dance Department at the Onassis Stegi

Friday 22 April | 18:00

Conversation with Rainer Höss, political activist and grandson of Auschwitz Commander, Rudolf Höss

Friday 22 April | 19:00

A conversation at the Goethe Institut, Athens: “Mein Kampf – talking about a book?”
With: Wolfgang Benz (historian), Helgard Haug (co-founder of the Rimini Protokoll company), Xenia Kounalaki (journalist), Kostas Loulos (historian)

Friday 22 & Saturday 23 April
Theater workshop by Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel (Rimini Protokoll)

For more info : T: 213 017 8002 Email: education@onassis.org


Concept, Direction & Text
Helgard Haug, Daniel Wetzel
Dramaturgy & Research
Sebastian Brünger
Set Design & Video
Marc Jungreithmeier
Interaction Design
Grit Schuster
Volkan T
Sound Design
Peter Breitenbach
Company Management
Heidrun Schlegel
Technical Coordination & Lighting
Andreas Mihan
Aspasia Anogiati, Sibylla Flügge, Anna Gilsbach, Matthias Hageböck, Alon Kraus, Christian Spremberg, Volkan T
Special thanks to
Ioanna Valsamidou
Produced by
Kunstfest Weimar, German National Theatre Weimar, Rimini Apparat
Munich Kammerspiele, National Theatre Mannheim, steirischer herbst festival Graz, Gessnerallee Zürich and HAU-Hebbel am Ufer, in cooperation with the Schauspielhaus Graz and with the kind support of the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Funded by
the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Mayor of Berlin

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