6th Young Choreographers Festival


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Two days dedicated to the contemporary and the bold. 5 performances by the new generation of Greek artists that are put to the test onstage, while also testing the limits of our own understanding of dance in Greece.

Onassis Stegi 1 & 2.3.2019 at Main Stage | Upper Stage | Exhibition Hall -1


● RopisCo: "Dépaysement" Exhibition Hall | 17:00, 19:00, 20:30, 22:00 One narrator, two dancers and three musicians in a work that toys with the safety that exists in the interpersonal distances between audiences and performers.

● Danae Dimitriadi & Dionysios Alamanos: "ΑΤΜΑ" Upper Stage | | 18:00 Two young artists give their take on the primordial struggle between what we are and what we once were. A torrential flow of images on the complementarity of the human and the bestial.

● PROLET OCD / Margarita Trikka: "Defeat" Main Stage | 19:30 If history is written by the victors, how best to throw light on the battles of the weak against the strong? Six dancers on stage are defeated yet unrelenting, ridiculous yet dignified, tireless defenders of their own defeat, melancholy Don Quixotes – and the perfect antiheroes.

● Myrto Grapsa: "BRIGHTER" Upper Stage | 21:00 How can we pinpoint what stays familiar and alive inside us? Four dancers throw light on questions that touch upon pain, pleasure and happiness.

● Elena Antoniou: "MAINSTAGE" Main Stage | 22:30 To expand the boundaries of staged experience. That seems to be the motto driving the work of Elena Antoniou, an artist active on the increasingly indistinguishable borderline between dance and performance. A group of people between 16 and 65+ years old with or without previous performing experience will participate in the performance.