Sybille Neumeyer

Photo: S. Schmitt

Sybille Neumeyer is an interdependent artist and researcher based in Berlin, with focus on more-than-human ecologies and environmental issues. Her projects are based on collaborations and dialogues with a diversity of knowledge holders. Sybille is voicing nonhuman agencies and amplifying marginalized and muted subjects while investigating the correlations of biocultural diversity loss, climate crisis, and planetary health through works in different media, installations, and participatory formats. Her projects are supported by institutions and artistic residencies, such as Akademie Schloss Solitude, ARCUS Project, Wellcome Trust, ZKM, IASS Potsdam, amongst others, and her works are shown in international exhibitions. Sybille is a member of interdisciplinary research collectives such as ‘text–îles’ and ‘collection <> ecologies’ and currently a fellow at the Jan van Eyck Akademie.