Nikos Palamaris

Nikos Palamaris is an Athens-based musician and creative media technologist. His work focuses on the use of sound and its various functions in human perception. He often uses and develops new digital media, such as interactive systems and custom software, in order to explore the multiple extensions of sound, as well as how the sound relates to the space, the motion, and the image.

His work has been performed internationally in radio stations and festivals, including Synthése (France), Ars Sonora (Spain), Mantis Festival (UK), BBC MediaCity (UK), Make Art Festival (France), LiWoLi (Austria), Concert-Échange (Belgium).

Nikos is the recipient of the Residence Prize at the 35th International Competition of Electroacoustic Music and Sonic Art (Bourges, France), and the first composition award at the 6th Electroacoustic Miniatures International Contest (Seville, Spain). His electronic music group, Awkward Family Photos, has been featured at “The Wire” magazine’s radio show “Adventures in Sound and Music.”