Nikos Avgoustidis

Nikos Avgoustidis was born on the Greek island of Chios. He studied Medicine and Film. His award-winning graduation short film, “UMMI,” was selected by several film festivals (such as the ones at Palm Springs, Odense, Regensburg, Drama, and Athens) and was awarded the Emerging Director Award at the Drama International Short Film Festival 2016 and the Best Film Award at MedFilm 2016 (Mediterranean Festival of Rome). The screenplay of his second short, “Apallou,” was selected and participated at the European Short Pitch 2019 of Nisi Masa. It was co-produced by the Greek Film Center, the Greek National Television (ERT, microfilm program), the Greek production company 2|D|2|R run by Konstantinos Baliotis (“Avanos”), and the French production company FilmO2. Avgoustidis is currently developing the screenplay for his feature debut, in collaboration with the screenwriter Katerina Klitsioti (“Her Job”), supported by the Greek Film Center at the initial stage of development. “The Black-Maned” is his third short, currently under development.