Michael Höppner

Michael Höppner was born in 1980 in Berlin, where he studied theater, literature, music education and musicology at the Freie Universität.

He was Dramaturgical Assistant at the Volksbühne (2003-2005) to Frank Castorf, Christoph Marthaler and Martin Wuttke, and Assistant Director to Christoph Schlingensief, Andrea Breth, Sebastian Hartmann, Jan Bosse, Stephan Kimmig, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Alvis Hermanis and Luc Bondy, among others, at the Burgtheater Wien (2007-2010). He commenced working as a theatrical director in his own right in 2006.

From 2011 he studied Musical Theatre Direction at Hanns Eisler (Hochschule for Music), directing workshops with Barrie Kosky and Jürgen Flimm, and was chosen to participate in the first “Three Berlin Opera Companies’ Workshop for Directors” in 2013. Since 2014 he has been working as a freelance director whilst tutoring at the TU Berlin. He is the managing director of the independent music theater ensemble Opera Lab Berlin.