Marcia Diaz Agudelo
Marcia Diaz Agudelo is a Colombian-Canadian designer, Illustrator, and motion graphics artist.
Her work is inspired by her South American roots. She loves color, textures, rhythm, and complex subjects. She has worked as a designer on projects in the intersection of design, technology, and social justice. As a creative thinker she strives to find innovative ways of solving problems. Her work has been exhibited in Toronto and Mexico City.
You and AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens
Athens, Online
Artificial intelligence is already here
Digital programs, Visual arts, Exhibition
Exhibition "You and AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens"
Artificial intelligence is already here
Learning to See
You and AI: The AI Survival Guide
Webinar, Conference
The Ethics of Disruption: From AI to Bioethics in Art and Research
AI Summer School