Karine Dahouindji

Photo: Anouk Maupu

Karine Dahouindji began her dance training at the Conservatoire de Nîmes before joining CNDC (Centre National de Danse Contemporaine) in Angers, France, and then La Manufacture in Lausanne. Since her graduation in 2018, she has enriched her practice as an interpreter and performer through her collaboration with different artists, such as Nicole Seiler, Yasmine Hugonnet, Maëlle Gross, Mark Lorimer or Maud Blandel. She also creates within the collective OUINCH OUINCH, of which she is a co-artistic director. Together they investigate how to form a group while affirming strong individualities. It is through the elements of partying, the carnival, and joy that they express themselves in forms often in situ. Their piece “Happy Hype” has been actively touring around Switzerland and Europe since 2018. Their second piece, “Cachalotte” was presented last November and will be presented again in 2023 and 2024. Strengthened by her different professional and personal experiences, Karine started to develop her first solo as an associate artist at L’Abri-Genève for the season 2021/2022. She is currently supported by the Grand Luxe Network. Throughout the year 2023, she will be searching through the different partner places of this platform and she will present her piece “Kâ!” (provisional title) in November at L'Abri-Genève witin the framework of EMERGENTIA, a platform dedicated to emerging choreographers.