Karine Dahouindji: Kâ!

This work was born deep in my flesh, following a breast cancer that occurred in 2020. This disease led me to grow an interest in my family history. I make a link between the phantom limb syndrome, which is very concrete in my body and the physical distance I keep from my parents’ country of origin, Benin. Other than the genetics that passed down this disease to me, what are the other forms of heritage that I carry within me? How can I access these transgenerational memories through my body? With the help of different mediums linked to this country and my imagination, I want to connect to what is, has been, and will be. Through the energy of each material and being present in this space, we will go together towards the repair by creating a space of care.

Karine Dahouindji is accompanied by L'Abri, as part of the Grand Luxe Network, for the season 2022-23.

Onassis Stegi’s participation in the network is developed as part of its Outward Turn Program initiatives.

Photo: Mathieu Rousselle