Jonathan Bepler

Photo: Peter Strietmann

Jonathan Bepler was born in Philadelphia, and was self-taught on many instruments by the time he attended Bennington College in 1982. Major studies were Composition with Louis Calabro, Improvisation with Bill Dixon, Percussion with Milford Graves, and Performance Studies with artists and choreographers including Lisa Nelson and Min Tanaka.

His interest in collaboration and interdisciplinary work continued in New York City, his work often involving the co-mingling of many seemingly disparate elements, a love of chaos, and a thirst for reconciliation. He has collaborated often with choreographers, including John Jasperse, Sasha Waltz, Jennifer Lacey and Wally Cardona.

A multi-instrumentalist, he has led ensembles of both improvised and pre-composed music and has appeared often in New York and in Europe. His concert music includes a commission for the Ensemble Modern, the Glenn Branca Ensemble, and the Basel Synfonietta. A collaboration with artist Ann-Sofi Siden, featuring actors, technicians and architecture of the Royal Dramatic Theatre of Sweden, was shown in Stockholm and Berlin.

His work with Barney has spanned nearly 20 years and has included some 7 films and 9 performances. He lives and works in Berlin