Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige

The artists and filmmakers Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige question the fabrication of representations, the construction of imaginaries and the writing of contemporary history. They are interested in the traces of the invisible and the absent, in stories kept secret such as the missing people from the Lebanese civil war, a forgotten space project, geological and archaeological drilling cores, or the strange consequences of Internet scams and spams. Their films, including “ISMYRNA” (2016), “The Lebanese Rocket Society” (2013), “Je Veux Voir” (2008) and “A Perfect Day” (2005), have been shown and awarded in the largest international film festivals.

Their artworks have been exhibited in numerous museums, including lately the Centre Pompidou, Jeu de Paume and Musée d’Art Moderne; the Victoria & Albert Museum, British Museum and Whitechapel Gallery; the Guggenheim, MIT Boston, Haus der Kunst, Sharjah Art Foundation, Acropolis Museum and Home Works Forum. They have also been included in several biennales, including Istanbul, Lyon, Sharjah, Kochi, Gwangju and Venice. In 2017, they were awarded the Marcel Duchamp Prize for the project "Unconformities".