George E. Lewis

George E. Lewis is the Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University. A 2002 MacArthur Fellow and a 2011 United States Artists Walker Fellow, Lewis studied composition with Muhal Richard Abrams at the AACM School of Music, and trombone with Dean Hey.

A member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) since 1971, Lewis's compositions and installations have been presented by the American Composers Orchestra, International Contemporary Ensemble, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Either/Or, Dinosaur Annex, Wet Ink, the Turning Point Ensemble, Ensemble Erik Satie, Works and Process, the S.E.M. Ensemble, the NOW Orchestra, Contemporary Art Museum Houston, and others, with commissions from the 2010 Vancouver Cultural Olympiad, OPUS (Paris), IRCAM, Harvestworks, Studio Museum in Harlem, the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra, and others.

His widely acclaimed book, “A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music” (University of Chicago Press, 2008) received the 2009 American Book Award.