Franziska Pierwoss & Sandra Teitge

Photo: Wiley Hoard

Franziska Pierwoss & Sandra Teitge

Since 2014, Franziska Pierwoss & Sandra Teitge have been staging performances related to historical meals, which involve artists, amateur chefs, writers, and researchers who investigate historical menus and their context, affirming the political dimension of the culinary. Using storytelling as an explorative methodology towards History, together they have presented different formats at Sharjah Biennial 13 in Beirut/Lebanon (Nov. 2017), Galeria OMR and MUAC in Mexico City (February–March 2017), at Spielart Festival in Munich/Germany (October 2015), in Beirut, Lebanon (January 2015), and in the context of the Humboldt-Lab in Berlin,Germany (May 2014).

Franziska Pierwoss (1981, Tübingen, Germany) is a Berlin-based performance and installation artist, who also works as an organizer and initiator of various cultural projects.

Sandra Teitge (1982, East Berlin, Germany) is a curator-programmer, researcher, and sporadic performer, and currently director of the Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis.