Efthimios Moschopoulos

Photo: Xenia Koghilaki

Efthimios Moschopoulos

Born in Kefalonia in 1992, Efthimios Moschopoulos is a Greek dancer currently based in Athens. He studied dance at the Greek National School of Dance (KSOT, 2014) and philosophy, pedagogy, and psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2010).

Ηe has been performing and creating as a dance artist since 2017 in Greece and internationally. He has collaborated, among others, with Ginevra Panzetti & Enrico Ticconi, Euripides Laskaridis, Christos Papadopoulos, Armin Hokmi, Romeo Castellucci, Sofia Mavragani, Artemis Lampiri, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Cally Spooner, Xenia Koghilaki, and Andonis Foniadakis in productions presented both in Greece and abroad. He has performed in several festivals, including Julidans Festival (the Netherlands), Lyon Dance Biennale (France), Tanz im August / Tanzfabrik (Germany), Festival TransAmériques (Canada), International Festival of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Romaeuropa Festival (Italy), Dublin Dance Festival (Ireland), and Athens and Epidaurus Festival (Greece).

He has presented his work in the New Choreographers Festival 8 at Onassis Stegi (collaborative piece “Besuch,” 2021) and has worked as stage movement director for several theater productions. In 2020, he was awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship by ARTWORKS. Since 2024, he is a participant in the Extended Research Residencies of Onassis AiR.