Dimitris Tsekouras

Photo: Tryfon Tsatsaros

Dimitris Tsekouras was born in Athens in 1985.

He came in close contact with the worlds of music and theater from a young age, growing up surrounded by intense artistic activity since his father was a pianist and his mother was a contemporary dance teacher. He took piano and violin lessons, and played bass, drums and guitar, before finally taking up the double bass.

He studied classical double bass at the Athens Conservatory with Tasos Kazaglis, and photography at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens.

Since 2003 right down until today, he has performed in countless concerts, recordings, and theater productions, in Greece and around the world.

He has worked with Loukianos Kilaidonis, Nikos Xydakis, Alkinoos Ioannidis, Dimitris Mystakidis, Fotis Siotas, Giota Negka, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Loukas Thanos, Vasilis Rakopoulos, the National Theater of Greece, and the Kopernikos Theater Group.

He is a permanent member of the Encardia music ensemble, the Harris Lambrakis Quartet, the Sokratis Sinopoulos Quartet, and of his own personal project Plasmawine.