Christos Polymenakos

Photo: Dina Agrabeli

Christos Polymenakos (GR/US) is a creator, dramaturg, performer, researcher, educator, and mentor, creator of the body/word Performance Writing methodology (2009). He holds an MA in Performance Writing (Merit) from Dartington College of Arts, where he studied with a scholarship from the Hellenic Centre for Theatre and Dance. Christos has worked extensively in various strands, roles, and positions in the cultural field. His creative, research, and educational work and methodology have been hosted by state and private artistic and educational institutions and festivals in Greece, Cyprus, the UK, Slovenia, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, as well as online. He was the chief dance editor of “Highlights,” arts and culture Greek magazine, and a member of the State Committee for Dance Subsidies of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.