Carole Ione

Carole Ione is an author/playwright/director and an improvising word/sound artist.

Her works include the critically acclaimed memoir, “Pride of Family”; “Four Generations of American Women of Color”, “Nile Night”, “Remembered Texts from The Deep”, “Listening in Dreams & This is a Dream!" She is playwright and director of “Njinga the Queen King”, (BAM's Next Wave Festival) the dance opera “Io and Her and the Trouble with Him” (Union Theater, Wisconsin), “The Lunar Opera; Deep Listening For_Tunes”, (Lincoln Center Out of Doors) and the experimental narrative film “Dreams of the Jungfrau”, shot high in the Swiss Alps. All feature music and sound design by Pauline Oliveros.

She and Oliveros are currently collaborating with Egyptian artists on “The Nubian Word for Flowers, A Phantom Opera”. Inspired by the Nubian Diaspora and the life of Lord Horatio Herbert Kitchener of Khartoum, the opera is "a deep dream exploration of the Colonial Mind".

A specialist in dreams and the creative process, Ione conducts retreats throughout the world. She is Artistic Director of Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. and Director of the Ministry of Maåt, Inc.