Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos
Photo: Tim Marsden
Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos is an academic, an artist, and a fiction author. Andreas works with performance, photography, and text, as well as sculpture and painting. He has performed at the 58th Venice Art Biennale 2019, the 16th Venice Biennale of Architecture 2016, the Tate Modern, Inhotim Instituto de Arte Contemporânea Brazil, the Danish Royal Cast Collection, the Royal Music Academy of Sweden, and other institutions, and has shown his photography and text (picpoetry) at the London College of Communication, The Arebyte Gallery, the Palais de Tokyo etc., and currently collaborating with Danielle Arnaud Gallery London and Venice. He is a fiction author, with his first book “The Book of Water” published in Greek and currently translated and prepared for publication in English, Italian, and French. He is also Professor of Law & Theory at the University of Westminster and founder and Director of The Westminster Law & Theory Lab, as well as permanently affiliated to the University Institute of Architecture, Venice since 2009. His academic books include the monographs “Absent Environments” (2007), “Niklas Luhmann: Law, Justice, Society” (2009), and “Spatial Justice: Body Lawscape Atmosphere” (2014).
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Performance, Talks
Talks and performances
Athens, Onassis Stegi
Talks & Thoughts, Exhibition
Weather Engines
Athens, Onassis Stegi