"Ziad Antar, From Beirut to Athens" premieres at Onassis Channel on 26th January, at 21:00

Digital Premiere: 26.01.22 at 21:00

On Wednesday, 26th January, at 21:00, the new movie by Υorgos Teltzidis premieres at Onassis Channel on YouTube, titled "Ziad Antar, From Beirut to Athens". An exciting docu-fiction based on Ziad Antar's latest performance, "Bladder Diplomacy", presented in October 2021 at Onassis Stegi Upper Stage.

How is it to be a “stranger” in a “strange” city of the West? Tracing the history of agriculture, Ziad Antar talks about something bigger. Apart from the “journey,” apart from his personal experience, the world-famous artist takes a stand and initiates a debate about the complex mechanisms of geopolitics and capitalism, the discrepancies and odd “collaborations” of the West and the Middle East, making use of agricultural-political satire to talk about life itself. A short film by Yorgos Teltzidis based on the artist’s life and last show at Stegi.

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“Tomatoes at the supermarket look just like tomatoes—red, firm, and juicy, and some even have little pieces of vine attached, a particularly authentic touch. The only thing they don’t have is tomato flavor.”

His present and past, performance art, his previous multimodal work, and agriculture merge in a mixed-media narrative that does not move in parallel with the text of the performance, yet it shifts and expands to thicken the plot and create a cinematic atmosphere with Ziad being the absolute protagonist in the present and past, calling for the audience’s emotional engagement in order to understand his work and personality.

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