Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 27 SEP 2021 17:00
General presale: from 30 SEP 2021, 17:00
Full price: 14 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 11 €
Neighborhood residents: 7 €
People with disabilities, Unemployed: 5 €
Companions: 10 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@onassis.org
In English
What do tomatoes have to do with war? Potatoes and harmful insects, civil wars and geopolitical games. Acclaimed Beiruti artist Ziad Antar presents a caustic thriller that blends international diplomacy with agribusiness.
Photo: PInelopi Gerasimou
Threading stories of international diplomacy, the cultivation of potatoes and tomatoes in the eastern Mediterranean, and personal family stories, the lecture performance “The Bladder Diplomacy Project” will explore radical interventions in the natural environment and nutritional habits that theories of modernization and the globalized agribusiness have sowed in these lands, blowback and the uncanny resilience of indigenous seeds.
In this performance, acclaimed artist Ziad Antar collaborates with writer Rasha Salti again to a satirical drawing of a puzzle of malicious weeds and civil wars.
On the basis of my agricultural background, and artistic practice, I chose to study the relationships between Western nations and the Mediterranean basin through the story of three specific agricultural products: the potato, the tomato, and the malicious weed that kills them both, Orobanche. Depicting geopolitical events in the region that had an impact on our daily life, and their consequences on agricultural practices, I try to link the change of taste of populations with respect to crisis and violence.
—Ziad Antar
Photo: Ziad Antar
The performance lecture follows a screening of the award-winning documentary by Marianna Economou, titled “When Tomatoes Met Wagner” as part of it.
Concept & Performance
Ziad Antar
Artistic Collaborator
Rasha Salti
Production Assistant
Nayla Mabsout
Onassis Stegi
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