“In the Solitude of Cotton Fields” starring John Malkovich and Ingeborga Dapkunaite – extra performance added on Sunday, February 12 at Onassis Stegi

Photo: Māris Morkāns

Due to incredible demand, an additional performance of “In the Solitude of Cotton Fields” with the great John Malkovich and award-winning Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite is to be presented on the Onassis Stegi Main Stage on Sunday, February 12 at 14:00. Malkovich and Dapkunaite will give yet another acting masterclass in one of the most mysterious works of the contemporary repertoire, directed by Timofey Kulyabin.

This work by Bernard-Marie Koltès is to be presented before audiences one more time, following its five sold-out scheduled performances, with Athens and Onassis Stegi serving as the first stop on the production’s international tour.

Tickets for this additional Sunday performance go on sale to Onassis Stegi Friends and the general public on Wednesday, January 25 at 17:00.