For a second year running, award-winning Greek short films at Onassis Channel on YouTube

From the latest editions of the Drama International Short Film Festival and the Athens International Film Festival Opening Nights to your screens. Available online from April 23, 2021

Familiar faces, lining up to buy tickets, experiencing stories, discussing it all afterwards – we’ve all missed the darkened auditoria of our cinemas. But even in the midst of a pandemic, cinema lives on – continues to breathe and to evolve. However small the screens on which we now watch films, the emotions they elicit remain as powerful as ever.

For a second year running, the Onassis Foundation is working with the Athens International Film Festival Opening Nights (AIFF) and the Drama International Short Film Festival (DISFF) to bring a selection of their award-winning 2020 Greek short films to our screens. These two festivals held their latest editions both online and in real-world venues, combining screenings in open-air cinemas with online screenings on purpose-built platforms. These award-winning films stood out for their bold and distinctive takes on social and existential issues rooted in the here and now.

Discover the "Big Short Films"

The scheduled program

Friday, April 23, 2021 from 19:00
Available to view until April 30, 2021 at 23:59

Award-winning short films from the Athens International Film Festival Opening Nights 2020

– “Premier Amour” by Haris Raftogiannis (Best Screenplay & Special Mention – Performance to Kostas Koronaios at the AIFF; Special Mention – Male Part at the DISFF)

– “Bella” by Thelyia Petraki (Best Director & Best Female Performance to Elena Topalidou at the AIFF; Golden Dionysos for Best Greek Short Film & Honorary Distinctions for Best Female Actor, Cinematography, Costume Design, and Make-up Design at the DISFF)

– “When I Smile My Eyes Close” by Daniel Bolda (Special Mention – Performance to Sandra Abulganam and Natalia Swift)

– “Mare Nostrum” by Dimitris Anagnostou (Special Mention – Cinematography to Giannis Karampatsos)

Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 19:00
Available to view until May 1, 2021 at 23:59

Award-winning films from the Drama International Short Film Festival 2020

– “Vouta” by Dimitris Zahos (Special Jury Prize, Best Script & Honorary Distinction – Production Design)

– “Madonna F64.0” by Stavros Markoulakis (Drama Queer Award)

– “Escaping the Fragile Planet” by Thanasis Tsimpinis (Honorary Distinction – Film Editing)

– “Melatonin” by Nikos Pastras (Honorary Distinction – Original Score)

– “Anthology of a Butterfly” by Kostis Charamountanis (Honorary Distinction – Sound Design)

– “The Call” by Marios Psaras (Honorable Mention)

– “Antivirus” by Anastasia Sima (Audience Award – National Competition)

– “The Jar” by Kyriakos Rontsis (Audience Award – International Student Competition & Special Award for Best Newcomer Director)

– “In Her Steps” by Anastasia Kratidi (Hellenic Parliament TV Channel “Human Values” Award at the DISFF; Greek Union of Film, Television and Audiovisual Technicians (ETEKTOT) Award for Technical Excellence)

– “,As If Underwater” by Anthi Daoutaki (Best Southeastern European Film, Special Mention – Female Part & Audience Award – International Competition)