Dimitris Papaioannou’s “Traverse Orientation” completes its global tour with performances in New York and Stanford, California in November and December 2022

“Master of contradictions,” “Greek genius of dance-theater,” critics’ favorite Dimitris Papaioannou lands with “Traverse Orientation” at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) and Stanford Live in California, orienting the USA towards the source of light.

Photo: Julian Mommert

Having already conquered 28 cities, in Europe but also in Israel, Canada, Japan, Singapore and Mexico, the successful global tour of “Traverse Orientation” for 2021-2022 is almost complete, its next artistic destinations being New York and California.

Dimitris Papaioannou’s latest work, which premiered at Onassis Stegi one year ago, travels from 7 to 11 November to BAM in Brooklyn, a multi-arts center known for hosting radical and avant-garde performances, bringing along the images, movements, and sounds that launch us towards the source of life, creation, and imagination, and call on us to discover our own truth.

From there, it will land at the other end of the USA, at Stanford Live of Stanford University in California, on December 9 and 10.

Photo: Julian Mommert

Transverse orientation is the method by which insects keep a fixed angle on a distant source of light for orientation—this is why they fly towards all that shines.

“My works evolve during rehearsal, they are not composed beforehand. I prepare material only in order to kickstart the process and, most of the time, I throw it out. I’ve resolved to not know what the outcome will be ahead of time, to trust in the process. In the end, if I am lucky, the work reveals itself, and I try to understand it, to perfect it. I reserve the right to change it all at the last moment. That’s why it is difficult for me to talk to you about something before it has actually come to completion. What’s the use of plans and pretensions? Art is praxis. If I talk about it, I will only either mislead you or betray the work.”

—Dimitris Papaioannou