Constantine Venetopoulos on his way to the Academy Awards, with the support of the Onassis Foundation

The journey of acceptance continues

The documentary “Draw with Me” records the story of the trans teenage artist Brendon Scholl, whose aunt is Jennifer Lopez. A few days before his journey for this year’s Academy Awards shortlist for the Documentary Short Subject category, he makes a stop at BAM, Brooklyn’s emblematic Music Academy.

Brendon Scholl with his aunt, Lynda Lopez

The Onassis Foundation and Ithaka Films proudly present the journey of “Draw with Me,” written and directed by Constantine Venetopoulos, to the nominations for the 93rd Academy Awards in April 2021, in Documentary Short Subject Category. The documentary, part of which was screened in Onassis Stegi’s YouTube Channel within the context of the campaign “Athens Home for All” in September 2020, talks about the journey of young trans person Brendon Scholl, who uses their art as an important outlet while navigating life's challenges with their family. Featuring a special introduction by their aunt Jennifer Lopez, as well as statements by the new Unites States President Joe Biden, the documentary is played on-demand in America on ArenaScreen till February 9, while it is still screened online in film festivals, as well as important cultural institutions.

In anticipation of the announcement of the Academy’s shortlist, the documentary is available online for limited screenings for Stegi Friends in Athens, as well as the members of the emblematic BAM in New York, in collaboration with the Onassis Foundation. The support of the film by leading international cultural institutions – such as New York’s BAM – that reveal new trends and stir up discussions on timely topics, demonstrated the importance of the film that talks about the value of finding your own path in life
About Draw with Me

“Draw with Me” is the story of talented teen artist Brendon Scholl, who identifies as trans non-binary and whose art has been a vital outlet for self-expression. From coming out as trans and consequently attempting suicide, to becoming an advocate, this intimate portrait of Brendon and their supportive family’s trials dives deep into what was endured and overcome in this heartwarming journey of acceptance.

“Talking about your identity as a person – sexual preference has to do with whom you go to bed with, and your identity is who you go to bed as,” shares Brendon’s mother, Leslie Ann Lopez.

It’s a story that is very close to my heart, because it is a family affair. It’s about accepting change and challenges with love, and that knowing when we do, everything is possible.

Jennifer Lopez

The Onassis Foundation looks to the future of cinema and becomes an active part of the new artistic creation. Through film production and creative collaboration with Greek filmmakers, it invests over time in new talents and strong stories. Other than its cinematic qualities, Constantine Venetopoulos’s film resonates with yet another field of action that deeply concerns the Onassis Foundation: the indisputable rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. Each year, Onassis Stegi presents performances and arts experiences that question stereotypes and seek out new limits, whereas recently it launched the campaign Athens Home for All. For the Onassis Foundation, culture is not only the arts – it is also the point where political struggles find free expression.

Backstage picture with Constantine Venetetopoulos and Brendon Scholl

Director's Note

When I first heard about the Trevor Project I remember thinking “I wish there was something like that for me when I was struggling in the closet as a kid in the small suburbs of Greece”. Fast forward a decade later, I would find myself at the United Nations, sitting on a historic panel on Transgender Health on the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, with the subject matter being our film and its impact. People see a short documentary, but what they don’t see is the series of events that led to it. One of my earliest childhood memories is that of observing my toy action figures examining their anatomy while wondering who I was. What would follow would be a long journey of self-acceptance from marrying a woman to coming out of the closet and pursuing my dreams as a filmmaker in the United States. At the first opportunity I joined the Trevor Project as a volunteer of the chat lifeline and have since done my best to support many young people going through their own coming out journeys and struggles with suicidal thoughts.

A lucky turn of events connected me with Leslie Ann Lopez, a talented opera singer set to perform in my first feature film “Man in the Attic.” Through Leslie Ann I met her child; Brendon Scholl, a youth with whom I clicked immediately. It was friendship at first sight. I remember walking into Brendon’s room enamored by it being filled with art, covering every crevice of the wall and ceiling. Brendon was very open about their art and what it meant to them, and they shared the story behind some of their drawings and how art had saved them. My coming out journey was not easy either, so Brendon’s story spoke to me in a profound way, though being gay and being trans are vastly different journeys. As our friendship continued to unfold the CEO of the Trevor Project, who was also a friend, mentioned that it would be an honor to have Brendon as a speaker in one of their events. When sharing the invitation with the family, I also shared my wish to document the family’s story and Brendon’s transition and coming out story in a film preceding their speech. Brendon and their family joined with excitement, ready to share their story in order to support other youth going through similar journeys. That was when all the dots connected, becoming the beginning of “Draw with Me.”

Although I knew that telling this story came with a lot of responsibility, I felt ready and the family truly made me feel safe and comfortable in doing so. The entire family joined as one in supporting Brendon and the film, from their loving grandmother to their aunts Lynda and Jennifer who both joined the film: Lynda by using her voice as a journalist asking the right questions; and Jennifer with an educational introduction shared with millions of her followers. What I truly believe drew me to the story though, was Bredon’s confidence in knowing who they were at such a young age, and being ready to use their experience as a tool for other youth who were struggling with their identity and coming out. I thought “I wish I had someone like Brendon to talk to when I was struggling in the closet as a kid”.

Since then, the film has screened at The Trevor Project, has been selected by GLAAD and has been the topic of discussion in panels at the Tribeca Film Festival during Pride and the United Nations among others, and has been employed as a tool of diversity education by organizations such as Esteé Lauder and JP Morgan. A personal highlight was when “Draw sith Me” screened at my school in Greece with an audience of teachers, parents, and my own family. There were many feelings in the room. One thing that stood out was when my older brother asked one of the counselors “What should a parent advise their child if they come out to them as gay or trans?” The reply of the counselor has stuck with me: “It’s not about what you should tell them, it’s about just listening to them”.

So listen to us… and as Brendon says so well, “Believe us when we say who we are.

Constantine Venetopoulos with Jennifer Lopez's mother, Guadalupe Rodriguez

About Brendon Scholl
Brendon Scholl is a visual artist and college sophomore majoring in theater arts. Their art has been an integral part of their life since childhood, as evidenced by the crayon compositions covering the heating units of their room, followed by mural artworks around the walls. Their entire room is an expression of their artistry, in a 360º art gallery of their inner world. As they continue to evolve as an artist, they simultaneously carry this passion into their activism and advocacy. They were one of the leaders of their GSA in their high school and marched proudly this past spring in the Black Lives Matter protest marches. Brendon was honored by the Trevor Project –the leading suicide prevention line for LGBTQIA+ Youth – during their annual fundraiser in 2018. Soon thereafter Brendon made history when a documentary about their life of advocacy was screened at the United Nations, in a special anniversary commemorating the 50th Stonewall riots. Brendon led the first ever United Nations panel on Trans Health matters, as the voice of the youth. Brendon hopes to continue with their activism and their art throughout their lifetime and to see the changes necessary for this country to live up to the promises made to ALL Americans, by setting a world-wide example for equal rights and opportunities, without exceptions.