The awarded films of Drama International Short Film Festival 2019, on your screens.
Available online from July 30 to August 4 on Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel
Granddads who used to be bikers, the Feast of Our Savior in a small village, the desire to truly return “home”, a youth living with the threat of violence, humankind’s greatest crime, teenage stirrings in rural Texas, a family facing a terrible dilemma, a pair of outcasts in new adventures, violence and vandalism in an expressionistic world, girls under pressure, and a farewell to student life.
The Big Feelings Small Screens program will be joining forces with the Drama International Short Film Festival from July 23 to August 4. Eleven award-winning short films that burned bright at the 42nd edition of the Drama Festival are to be screened online, on the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel.
From July 23-28, Melissa Anastasi will be drawing us into the troubled world of a teenager living on an isolated farm, with her film “Sleepwalking”. With “Rouge”, Kostis Theodosopoulos shares the story of three girls who shield one another in order to face down the patriarchy. The way a granddaughter feels about the old age of her grandfather – a former biker nicknamed Greybeard Michael – is captured by Giorgos Kapsanakis in Chopper, a short that has travelled the world. Antonis Doussias takes us on a journey into a colorful expressionistic world in times of violence with his animated short “Violent Equation”. Stelios Koupetoris talks to us about the driving forces behind human action through a routine class given by a teacher in “W”.
From July 29 to August 4, Artemis Anastasiadou will be reminding us of teenage loves, worries, and explorations of identity in “I Am Mackenzie”. A centenarian grandmother floods our screens with songs of her youth in Anna Antonopoulou’s “Cleoniki”. Leda Vartzioti and Dimitris Tsakaleas deal with a difficult “goodbye” to student life in “Sad Girl Weekend”. Iakovos Panagopoulos’ “Flickering Souls Set Alight” is a moving portrayal of a family’s everyday struggles. And Alexandros Papathanasopoulos inserts us into the world of former student outcasts who never got to play the lead roles at school with his dark comedy “Pathologies of Everyday Life”.
Discover the films
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Artemis Anastasiadou
I'm Mackenzie
Duration: 20 minutes
Iakovos Panagopoulos
Flickering souls set alright
Duration: 29 minutes
Nicolas Kolovos
Duration: 12 minutes
Lida Vartzioti & Dimitris Tsakaleas
Sad Girl Weekend
Duration: 15 minutes
Alexandros Papathanasopoulos
Pathologies of Everyday Life
Duration: 11 minutes