
Video Installation


What does evolution look like? The ever-changing walking figure in “Transfiguration” transforms before our very eyes, echoing our own emotional upheaval. This take on nature is elemental, with a focus on fire, rock, and water. The further the figure walks, the more it evolves, its stone footsteps echoing metal, liquid, and wood. It is as if we see life rebuilding itself in some primal form. The figure feels familiar but also larger than life. The sound design heightens its sense of colossal realism as if the geological building blocks of life are forming as we watch. Originally made in 2011, the film was remastered in 2020 with the latest procedural visual effects software and CGI.


4K video, stereo sound
6 minutes and 24 seconds
2011 - 2020

About the artists

Universal Everything
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