November 1 – National Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation

An awareness campaign by Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in collaboration with the Onassis Foundation starts a dialogue for organ donation

Ιn occasion of the National Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in collaboration with the Onassis Foundation inform the audience in order to get familiarized with organ donation and transplantation, since Greece is still one of the last European countries for transplantation.

To change that reality and overcome unawareness, fear, prejudices and inertia let’s get informed through the National Transplantation Organization’s website:

Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center is the only hospital in Greece with a Heart Transplantation Program and soon, for Lungs, while the Onassis Foundation continues the development of Onassis National Transplant Center offering a hospital dedicated to compact organs transplantation to the Greek society. This hospital will also, be a center for research and innovation changing the picture of transplantation in Greece.