FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions regarding the performance "The Second Woman"

The ticketing for "The Second Woman" differs from other Onassis Stegi productions. Whether you stay for 24 minutes or live the full 24-hour adventure, "The Second Woman" promises a unique, cinematic-cum-theatrical experience unlike any other.

Photo: Pinelopi Gerasimou

  • Please note that there are no reserved seats for the performance you are about to attend.
  • Stefania Goulioti repeats roughly the same scene 100 times with 100 different men. Each encounter lasts approximately 8 minutes, and the audience can enter the Main Stage only at the beginning of each 8-minute encounter.
  • You may enter the Main Stage at the time indicated on your ticket and stay as long as you wish.
  • If you miss the start of a scene, you will have to wait until the next one starts.
  • After each scene ends and before the next one, you can move seats freely to enjoy the performance from various angles.
  • To keep the flow and tension going through all 100 iterations of the scene, let’s save the applause for the show’s finale.
  • There is a scheduled 15-minute break every two hours for the performer and the audience to rest. However, you can take your 15-minute break out of the auditorium anytime you want.
  • If you return within 15 minutes of your break, you will not have to wait in the queue again, but your seat on the Main Stage may be different than before. If you go beyond your 15-minute break, you will need to wait in the queue.
  • Remember to take all your personal belongings with you when you leave the auditorium.
  • On the day of the performance, the Onassis Stegi’s Ticket Hotline and Box Office will be open throughout the 24 hours. For any questions or clarifications, please contact 219 2191000 or infotickets@onassis.org.
Video recording

Before you arrive at the venue, please consider the following:

  • The performance will be filmed throughout its duration, while footage may be taken from other Onassis Stegi spaces.
  • We will edit the audiovisual material to capture the overall experience of the performers and audience so that we can make this publicly available at our discretion through our media, such as the Onassis Foundation’s website, YouTube channel, and digital platforms for as long as they operate.
  • After the end of the performance, the footage will remain in the Onassis Stegi's archive for the above purpose, as we do for all our activities.
  • By purchasing a ticket, ticket holders consent to be filmed and photographed for the purpose stated here.
Frequently Asked Questions

How many types of tickets are there for the show? What does each ticket guarantee me?

There are three types of tickets for the show. Each ticket type offers different flexibility and priority of entry, depending on your preferences.

Α. 24-hour advance tickets

Your ticket guarantees admission to the Main Stage at 16:00 on October 5 for the full 24-hour experience. It is the only ticket that guarantees you watch the first three hours of the show and the one that automatically gives you priority over other ticket holders should you leave the auditorium for more than 15 minutes. We recommend that you be at the Onassis Stegi no later than 15:30 to avoid waiting time.

Β. Advance tickets for a specific slot

Your ticket gives you priority entry to the Main Stage at the time indicated on it. You can stay as long as you like from the selected slot onwards. We recommend being 15 minutes earlier than the listed time for your convenience. If you are late, you may have to wait.

C. Tickets available at the door of the Onassis Stegi during the performance

Purchasing this type of ticket does not guarantee a specific entry time. You will enter as soon as a seat becomes available. Until then, you may have a short wait.

I have an advance ticket for a specific slot. How long will I have to wait to get into the Main Stage?

An advance ticket guarantees priority entry. However, because this is a 24-hour show and there are specific time slots when entry is allowed, you may have a short wait. We recommend arriving at the Onassis Stegi 30 minutes before the start time or 15 minutes before the slot you have chosen to attend.

If I come to purchase a ticket at the door during the show, will I definitely get in?

Entry to the Main Stage will be possible as soon as a seat is available. However, we cannot guarantee your waiting time until your entry. Tickets at the door will become available whenever an audience member is out of the auditorium for more than 15 minutes.

Can I give my ticket to a friend if I decide to leave?

Tickets are strictly personal and are non-transferable. Only the original ticket holder can re-enter the Main Stage.

Are the seats reserved?

All seats are unreserved except those for wheelchair users. Let the staff know if you need special access, and they will assist you.

Will I have the same view from all seats?

The view varies depending on the seat. That’s why we recommend you move seats and enjoy the performance from different angles when seats become available in the auditorium.

Will the show be universally accessible?

The performance will offer Greek Signal Language interpretation on October 5, 2024, from 20:00 to 22:00. There are special types of tickets (disabled) that you can purchase in advance. Contact us for reservations at 2130178036 or infotickets@onassis.org, and upon arrival, show your ticket to the staff for immediate entry.

Will there be food available during the performance? Can we bring our own?

You can buy hot and cold snacks, beverages, and drinks throughout the 24 hours at the Onassis Stegi to enjoy the experience uninterrupted, even in the early morning hours. You can also bring a drink from the bar inside the Main Stage, but not your snack. You are not allowed to bring food or beverages from home.

Can I hold a place for someone else in the queue?

Everyone who wishes to purchase an on-the-door ticket must wait in person in the queue. So, get your friends together from the beginning.

Will I be able to sit with my friends?

Seats are not reserved, so we cannot guarantee that you will be seated together from the beginning. However, you can move seats throughout the performance to be together.

The types of tickets for "The Second Woman"



Your ticket guarantees admission to the Main Stage at 16:00 on October 5 for the full 24-hour experience. It is the only ticket that guarantees you watch the first three hours of the show and the one that automatically gives you priority in the queue over other ticket holders should you leave the auditorium for more than 15 minutes. We recommend you be at the Onassis Stegi no later than 15:30 to avoid waiting.


Your ticket gives you priority entry to the Main Stage at the time indicated on it. You can stay as long as you like from the selected slot onwards. We recommend being 15 minutes earlier than the listed time for your convenience. If you are late, you may have to wait.


Purchasing this type of ticket does not guarantee a specific entry time. You will enter as soon as a seat becomes available. Until then, you may have a short wait.