Tech Transfer 2022 – 23 | Workshop 2: Tech Transfer Regulations and the Role of Tech Transfer Offices (TTOs)



Free admission, online registration is required


Online, Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

16:00 - 18:00
Upper Stage & online, via the Zoom platform


Free admission

Places must be pre-booked via the registration form.


The workshop is to be conducted in Greek.


What does technology transfer at Greek universities and research centers mean in practice? One year after the introduction of the new Greek law concerning spin-off companies, the second Tech Transfer workshop poses questions about how technology transfer regulations are applied by organizations conducting research, and about the role played by Technology Transfer Offices and equivalent partnership structures.

Following the conclusion of the inaugural Technology Transfer Structures operating phase, this second workshop of the second Tech Transfer cycle examines technology transfer regulations and the role of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) and partnership structures at research and university-level institutions.

Six Technology Transfer Structures will be coming together to talk about the problems and prospects of the research and innovation sector, their experience of the new Greek regulatory framework, and their proposals when it comes to how we can both bring about synergies and substantially enhance the Greek innovation system at universities and research centers.

This second Tech Transfer workshop constitutes yet another opportunity for the Greek research and innovation community to meet – both live and in person at Onassis Stegi, and online – in order to share examples of best practice, and to work towards the creation of a sustainable and inclusive innovation system in Greece. The workshop is to be followed by a networking event, held immediately afterwards inside the Onassis Stegi Fifth-floor Foyer.

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16:00-16:10 | Introduction to Workshop 2

-Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos, Head of Digital Development and Innovation at the Onassis Foundation

-Professor Katerina Pramatari, President of the Sectoral Scientific Council for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (SSC TT & IP) – Partner at Uni.Fund – Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)

16:10-17:30 | Tech Transfer Regulations and the Role of Tech Transfer Offices


-Sofia Tsakiri, member of the Sectoral Scientific Council for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (SSC TT & IP), Lawyer – Technology Transfer Consultant – RENVIS Co-Founder

-Faye Orfanou, member of the Sectoral Scientific Council for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (SSC TT & IP), Technology Transfer Consultant – Executive Director at AELIA

-Georgios Vardaxoglou, SSC TT & IP Member, Chief Operating Officer at INNOETICS / Samsung Electronics


-Dr. Maria Kitsara, PRAXI Network – gnΩsi Tech Transfer Structure Representative

-Professor Emeritus Nikolaos Mylonas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) – NKUA Archimedes Tech Transfer Structure Representative

-Katerina Papadopoulou, Center for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) – Speira Tech Transfer Structure Representative

-Dr. Eri Toka, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) – AUTh & Democritus University of Thrace Tech Transfer Structures Representative

-Associate Professor Angelos Tsakanikas, SSC TT & IP Member – National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) – Science Agora Tech Transfer Structure Representative


Professor Katerina Pramatari, SSC TT & IP President – Partner at Uni.Fund – AUEB Department of Management Science and Technology

17:30-18:00 | Discussion – Questions

18:00-19:00 | Networking

The program is implemented in partnership with Smart Attica European Digital Innovation Hub. The project is co-funded by the European Union.