Photo: Chris van der Burght

Scenes from a Marriage

Ivo van Hove / Toneelgroep Amsterdam



15 — 28 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



28 €
Concs 15 €


3 hours & 45 min (including 25 min intermission)


In dutch with greek surtitles


The Flemish director is celebrated for his masterful transfers of classic cinematic works —like this one by Ingmar Bergman— onto the stage, and for his ability to choose his actors.

Ivo van Hove, the Belgian director who has done important work in both Europe and the US, has been the director of Toneelgroep Amsterdam, the Netherlands’ prime repertory theater, since 2001. This is the company’s first visit to Greece. Apart from his work with core plays of the classical and contemporary repertoire, Van Hove has also in recent years undertaken the transfer of classic cinematic works to the stage. His focus has been on the new cinema of the nineteen sixties and seventies: Pasolini’s "Teorema", Bergman’s “Cries and Whispers”, Cassavetes’ “Opening Night” and works by Visconti and Antonioni. His production of "Scenes from a Marriage" (2005) was his first attempt at a work by Bergman.

Van Hove has imposed a dramatic structure on the script which serves a revelatory function in its on-stage rendering. Multiplying Bergman’s characters and plotlines to underscore the work’s urban mythology of married life, he presents its seven scenes in three variations and multiple versions with a young, middle-aged and elderly couple. The audience is put on stage and invited to choose between the different parallel spaces in which the action unfolds simultaneously.

Van Hove’s is an entirely non-illusory theater in which the theatrical space created by his long-term collaborator, Jan Versweyveld serves no metaphorical function: stage arrangements, a minimum of props and the energizing presence of a fine ensemble company are all he needs to take us deep into Bergman’s world, but also to convey its humor. Van Hove’s theater constitutes an extraordinary volte face: a return to the ideal of a theater of words in an era in which the theater of the image has been the dominant paradigm for the theatrical pioneers of recent decades.

Photo: Chris van der Burght

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Ivo van Hove began his career as a stage director in 1981, working with plays he had written himself ("Ziektekiemen", "Geruchten"). He was artistic manager at AKT, Akt-Vertical and De Tijd, successively. Between 1990 and 2000 he was the director at Het Zuidelijk Toneel.

Since 2001, Van Hove has been general director of Toneelgroep Amsterdam (the Amsterdam Theatre Group). He has coordinated productions at the Edinburgh International Festival, the Venice Biennale, the Holland Festival, Theater der Welt in Germany, the Wiener Festwochen in Vienna, as well as working in London, Canada, Lisbon, Paris, Verona, Hannover, Porto, Cairo, Poland and New York. He has directed companies from the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, the Staatstheater in Stuttgart and the New York Theatre Workshop. He produced "Thuisfront" for Dutch television and his first cinematic film, "Amsterdam", came out in 2009. Ivo van Hove directed the musical "Rent for Joop van den Ende". From 1998 to 2004, he was festival manager of the Holland Festival, where he presented an annual selection of international theater, music, opera and dance. Since 1984, he has worked as part of the artistic management of the Department of Dramatic Art at Hogeschool Antwerpen. At the Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Van Hove has recently directed "Angels in America" by Tony Kushner, the marathon performance of "Roman Tragedies" based on the work of Shakespeare, "Opening Night" by John Cassavetes, 'Rocco and his brothers" by Luchino Visconti and 'Teorema" based on the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini (in partnership with the Ruhrtriennale), "Antonioni Project" by Michelangelo Antonioni, "Cries and Whispers" by Ingmar Bergman, "La voix humaine" by Jean Cocteau and "Summer trilogy" by Carlo Goldoni.

At the Vlaamse Opera, he staged a production of "Lulu" (Alban Berg) and the complete "Ring Cycle" by Wagner (2006-2008). He put on a production of Janàcek’s "De Zaak Makropoulos" and Tchaikovsky’s "Iolanta" for the De Nederlandse Opera in Amsterdam.

Van Hove has received regular many accolades, including two Obie Awards for the best production of an off-Broadway production in New York (for "More Stately Mansions" and 'Hedda Gabler"), the East Flanders Oeuvre Prize (1995), the Theatre Festival Prize (1996) and the Archangel Award at the Edinburgh Festival (1999). He was made a knight of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France in 2004. In 2007 he received the Prijs van de Kritiek in the Netherlands, a prize awarded by theater critics. In 2008, he also received the Prosceniumprijs, a Dutch theater prize, together with Jan Versweyveld.

Parallel event

A conversation with Ivo van Hove

Saturday 30 April 2011
17:00-19:00 | 5th floor - Young Theater Workshop | Free admission

Addressed at:
Professional actors, directors and drama schools students


Ingmar Bergman
Ivo van Hove
Dutch Translation
Karst Woudstra
Bart van den Eynde
Jan Versweyveld
Charlie Chan Dagelet, Roeland Fernhout, Janni Goslinga, Suzanne Grotenhuis, Hugo Koolschijn, Hadewych Minis, Celia Nufaar, Alwin Pulinckx, Leon Voorberg, Jessie Wilms
Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Kaaitheater Brussels
Surtitles translation (from French)
Louiza Mitsakou