Part of: Meeting Points 6
Visual Arts

Mona Hatoum: Performances

MP6: Contemporary Art Festival from the Arab World



Free admission


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Multiple stages



Free admission


An exhibition of performances by the multidisciplinary and celebrated artist Mona Hatoum.

In 1975, multidisciplinary artist of Palestinian origin, Mona Hatoum was forced into exile when the Lebanese civil war broke during one of her visits to London, where she stayed, training at both the Byam Shaw School of Art and the Slade School of Fine Art, University College.

Hatoum's work revolves around the body, politics, gender issues, the concept of space, and the physical interaction with the viewer/spectator. Her creations – in which she often used her own body as a medium - are an attempt to create both sensual and intellectual experiences dealing with the themes of exile, displacement, the sense of loss and separation caused by war, and the relation between the Third World and the West.

Since 1983, Hatoum has been displaying her installations and performance videos on solo and group exhibitions all around the world, including: Centre Pompidou, Paris; Tate Britain, London; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; MoMA, New York; Darat Al Funun, Jordan; Venice Biennale, Italy; Documenta XI, Germany; and the XXIV Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil…

For "Meeting Points 6", she exhibits a reenactment of the legendary performance "The Negotiating Table", which debuted in 1983 as a response to Israel's invasion into Lebanon, as well as a series of documents (videos, drawings, notes, photos, et. al.) from her works "Roadworks" (1985), "Variation on Discord and Divisions" (1984), and "Don't smile, you're on camera!" (1980).


Wednesday 7 March | 17:30-20:30

Opening of Mona Hatoum's exhibition "Performances" and performance (reenactment) of "The Negotiating Table" (1983)

Thursday 8 - Sunday 11 March | 12:00-21:00

Mona Hatoum's "Performances"

Saturday 10 March | 17:30-20:30

Performance (reenactment) of "The Negotiating Table" (1983)

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