Part of: Made in USA

Made in USA | Showcase

Richard Maxwell



5 — 10 €



Time & Date

20:00, 21:00 & 22:00
Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Hotel (Syngrou Avenue 89-93)



Full price: 10 €

Reduced, Friends, Small groups (5-9 people): 8 €
Large groups (10+ people): 7 €
People with disabilities, Unemployed: 5 €
Companions: 8 €

Combo 4 tickets for "The Record" performance: 5 € per ticket

Combo 1+1: 5 € per ticket for selected performances of "Made in USA" festival: "A Piece of Work", "Age & Beauty Part 1", "Judson Church is Ringing in Harlem", "Phone Homer", "Tell Me Love Is Real", "The Record"

Age guidance



30 minutes

Theater in a hotel room in downtown Athens. Performer and audience sign up to a new contract stating what theatre ultimately is.

An actor, quite naked, in a hotel room in downtown Athens. Beside him, just a breath away, us—the audience. With just his shadow for company, he talks to himself, playing a businessmen in a startlingly unfeigned way. He can close the most difficult deal, he says, but the simplest dilemmas in his personal life are beyond him.

The monologue, written and directed by the great Richard Maxwell, lasts just thirty minutes, but half an hour is enough to reveal what clinically accurate realism means in both acting and business management.

A core member of the New York City Players and a close associate of Maxwell for fifteen years, the outstanding Jim Fletcher (b.1963) takes on the dual role of the naked businessman and our guide to a new sense of theatricality.

In this non-theatrical space, the common ground of an anti-theatrical hotel room, verisimilitude seems to acquire a new logic as the familiar becomes absurd and performer and audience sign up to a new contract stating what theatre ultimately is.


  • Direction

    Richard Maxwell

  • Featuring

    Jim Fletcher and Bob Feldman

  • Company Manager

    Regina Vorria

New York City Players staff

  • Artistic Director

    Richard Maxwell

  • Producer

    Regina Vorria

  • Office Manager

    Louris van de Geer

  • Graphics

    Michael Schmelling

  • Intern

    Andrew Schlager

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