Naho Matsuda

Photo: Tom Rowlands

Qatar British Festival

Visit everythingeverytime.art for the Greek version of the poetic narratives.

EVERY THING EVERY TIME uses various datasets from sensors, timetables and schedules, it strips data from numeric values, location information and any data transmitting purpose and translates them into ephemeral, poetic narratives that give a glimpse into the ubiquity of technology in the urban space. On the electro-mechanical split-flap display appears real-time digital writing, which is drawing from the many ‘things’ and ‘events’ and changes of ‘status’ that are constantly happening in a city. What does data become without its informational value? And what happens to all the data that is collected from our ‘smart cities’?

A meditation on the data that passes through the fabric of the city each day, EVERY THING EVERY TIME questions not only the role data has in our lives, but the use and value it has as it is collected. Can we see the urban landscape differently through the technologies that make sense of it?


Medium: Kinetic Sculpture

Artist: Naho Matsuda

Year: 2019

Location: On display at Pedion tou Areos

Produced by FutureEverything
Developer: Dan Hett
Fabrication: RASKL
Split-flap software development: Paul Angus

Glossary: dataset