Presentation of "Entos: Kali Tyxi", a polymorphic event
Mapping Dourgouti, the Onassis Stegi neighborhood, with images
Time & Date
Free admission
The neighborhood of Dourgouti is a fixed reference point for the Onassis Stegi. This time round, a group of adult participants aged 18-35 years recorded the unique features of this district in photographs and moving images.
Through a theoretical seminar on visual culture, constant guidance on practical aspects by leader/photographers, exercises geared to practicing shooting and reflecting on the photographic practice itself (next to the complementary use of the spoken word as sound or text), the workshop gradually led the participants to structuring a narrative and producing a final piece. The final works will be presented in the neighborhood. More specifically, pictures that were taken during the workshop will be exhibited on the shop windows on Fenosthenous and Sfingos streets. Later on, a short film will be screened at the small open-air theater on Blocko Dourgoutiou Square. A map of the area with the exact exhibition spaces will be provided, while the evening will be wrapped up with a free treat for the neighborhood and its guests.