
Elpida Orfanidou & Juan Perno: Elpid’ arc

1st New Choreographers Festival



5 — 25 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Upper Stage



18 € (per day)
Concs 10 € | Unemployed 5 €
2-days ticket: 25 € - Concs 14 €


Five talented up-and-coming choreographers together in an exciting program.

Elpid’ arc, the new work from Elpida Orfanidou and Juan Perno is a cinematic performance in which the two artists attempt something inconceivable: mimicking down to every last detail one of the most impressive films in the history of cinema: La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc, starring Maria Falconetti. The charm of the undertaking lies in the unexpected way they combine mysticism with humour and the everyday.

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Parallel Event

Discussion with choreographers participating in the 1st "New Choreographers" Festival

2 February 2014
22:30 | Upper Stage

Moderated by:
Christiana Galanopoulou, art historian, artistic director of MIRfestival


Concept, Performing
Elpida Orfanidou & Juan Perno
Cuqui Jerez, Mariona Naudin, May Zarhy
Light Design
Martin Beeretz
Mario Calderaro
Set Design
Sylvia Rieger
Video Software Developer
Adolfo Muñoz
Video Editor
Guillermo Rojas
Costume Design
Daniela Franceschini
Artistic Assistance
Anna Schmidt, Roger Rossell
Marta Hewelt and Maciek Kawecki
Production Assistant
Vasiliki Mouteveli
Thanks to
Podewil Berlin & André Theriault, Weinmeisterhaus Berlin & Kosmas Kosmopoulos
Funded by
Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
Hebbel am Ufer Theatre (Berlin) and Onassis Stegi - Athens
Supported by
La Casa Encendida & CA2M (Madrid), Berliner Senat Tanzstipendium and Podewil (Berlin)
Artistic Director of the Festival
Katia Arfara
Read more

Elpida Orfanidou

Elpida Orfanidou first studied Dance in Athens (Despina Grigoriadou Professional Dance School) in parallel to her Piano and Pharmacy Degree. With a scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation she continued her studies in Choreography and Performance in Arnhem, Montpellier (ex.e.r.ce 2007, direction Xavier Le Roy and Mathilde Monnier) and in London (ΜA Performance Practice and Research, direction Ana Sanchez-Colberg). Born in Berlin she came back to the city in 2009 where she currently lives and works. The last years Elpida has been developing a series of solo works which concluded to One Is Almost Never (a trash dance & exotic DJing performance homaging personal freedom). Elpida collaborates closely with other artists, currently with Juan Perno for the film-performance Elpid’arc, as well as with Hermann Heisig for the duet United States (2010). Her projects have been presented in various venues and festivals throughout Europe. As a performer Elpida has worked among others with Hermann Heisig, Gui Garrido, Meg Stuart and Tim Etchells.

Juan Perno

Juan Perno holds a bachelor degree on philosophy in UAM Madrid and a PhD in aesthetics, photography and video in the fine arts UPV Valencia with a published essay (“Museology, Design and Video Art: A proposal for online cataloguing”. Currently developing his artistic work on the concept of time and appropriationism in different formats and contexts as real-time video, live cinema, performance and hybrid projects that are based on the development of interactive participation from online media with offline impact. He lives and works between Berlin and Madrid.

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